Yoongi awoke slowly, rubbing at his eye with a fist.

"Good morning, honey," Yoongi whined.

"I know, but Tae made you some pancakes. Do you want some before school?" The younger sat up slowly.

"Yes, please." 

"Okay, let's get you some." Yoongi blinked his bleary, sleepy eyes as he took Jungkook's hand and let himself be lead to the kitchen. Taehyung chuckled at the sleepyhead.

"Good morning, Yoongi. Sleep well?"

"Mhm, very." He whispered groggily. 

"Good, baby. Here you go." He set a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of the younger.

"Thank you." He ate quickly, vaguely aware of the couple leaning against the counter, watching him. 

Finally finished, he took his plate to the sink and turned on the faucet. 

"Oh, no honey. That's okay. Just set it down we can take care of it later."

"Oh, okay."

"Kookie will help you get ready for school and then we'll drop you off. Sound good?"

"Yes, thank you." Jungkook took his hand and lead him towards the bathroom. 

"You've got work today, yes? Do you want an extra pair of clothes to change into?" Yoongi looked unsure.

"Any answer is okay. We don't mind."

"Yes, please."

"You got it. I'll put them in a bag while you get changed." He handed Yoongi his clothes fresh from the dryer and left to put together an outfit. Knowing the A/C at the bookstore where Yoongi worked was always running to the max, he pulled out an extra thick sweater and pants for him. 

Jungkook tucked them in a little drawstring bag and waited patiently for Yoongi. When he came out, he traded the bag for the old, now neatly folded, clothes Yoongi was wearing before. He tossed the clothes into the washroom and led Yoongi to his apartment. 

"I'll wait here for you, okay? Go grab your things." The younger unlocked and entered his apartment, tiptoeing so he didn't wake his mom a second time. He started the coffee pot for when she did wake and grabbed his backpack.

"All good baby?" Jungkook asked, back in the hallway.


"Let's head out then. Taehyung left to start the car."

"Okay." Jungkook smiled and rested his hand on the small of Yoongi's back as they left the apartment complex.

Yoongi sat nervously in the backseat drawing small squiggly shapes on his thighs. Taehyung watched him through the rearview mirror with concern.

"You okay, hon?" The younger immediately stopped and looked out the window.


"Okay, just checking. Do you need us to pick you up after work? It's no trouble."

"That's okay, I don't mind walking. You guys have done so much already." Jungkook turned around in his seat.

"It's really no trouble. We just want you to be safe." Yoongi knew they were talking about his mom and the countless bruises the couple must have seen.

"I am." They pulled to the curb in front of the school.

"This Friday, promise us you'll come over." Yoongi looked at Taehyung with owl eyes.

"But aren't you guys moving? I shouldn't take up any more of your time."

"You won't be. We love having you. Just come over okay?"

"Are you sure?"

"If you're worried about interfering with our moving you can help us pack some boxes." Yoongi's eyes lit up. He loved to help and feel needed. "Promise you'll be there."

"I promise."

"Good boy, now c'mere." The younger leaned forward and they each left a kiss on his temples.

"Have a good day, honey." Jungkook smiled.

"Thank you." Yoongi left the car and walked into the building, his backpack light on his shoulders.

Seven hours later, Yoongi's bag was loaded with homework and sleepiness. The drawstring bag bumped softly against his legs as he trekked down to the book store with a smile on his face.

Waving hello to the librarian, he tiptoed to the back to change. Pulling Jungkook's sweater over his head, he relished in the elder's comforting scent. It reached midthigh, but he still pulled on the pants he was given. The finishing touch was a blue apron displaying the book store's name and he headed out into the public.

Yoongi pulled a squeaky metal cart behind him as he restocked the shelves.

"Hey, Yoongi!" The younger jumped and clutched his chest.

"Oh, Jungkook. Hi!"

"How's it going?"

"A little boring, but good."

"You'll come over Friday, right?"

"Yes, I promised."

"Okay, good. I brought you a little something!" He smiled cheekily and pulled a thermos out from behind his back. "It's hot chocolate. Taehyung said I shouldn't bring you coffee because then you won't sleep good tonight." He held out the thermos excitedly. Yoongi matched his smile and took the cup from his grasp.

"Thank you."

"I know that you get cold easily and the A/C is always on full blast here so I wanted you to be warm." Yoongi smiled even wider.

"I appreciate you." Jungkook looked at him fondly, seeing Yoongi in his too-big sweater with sweater paws grasping onto the mug.

"Oh, come here you." He wrapped the younger in a tight hug and kissed the crown of his head.

"I'll see you on Friday. Stay safe."

"Thank you, I will." Jungkook gently patted his back and left the store.

a bit of a longer chap. since i'll be camping for a week. i have quite a bit of chapters pre-written so lmk how often i should update, the chaps. get longer from here  :)

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