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Jungkook yawned and rubbed his eyes. He saw Yoongi and Taehyhung asleep beside him and smiled. I'll make them snacks. He grabbed a small fluffy blanket from the trunk at the end of the bed and trotted to the kitchen. I'm not supposed to cook while I'm little, but daddy will like my toast. Pulling out two pieces of bread, he left the bread bag on the counter and stuck them in the toaster. He turned the dial up, wanting them to be "extra toasty."

He waited for a while for them to pop, eagerly grabbing the slices when they did. Jungkook jerked back quickly, nearly falling over. He held his now burned hand to his chest, eyes watering. He glanced at the rules on the fridge. Always tell daddy when you're hurt. He pouted and went back into the bedroom.

Nudging Taehyung with his uninjured hand, he whispered his name over and over again. 

"What's up, baby?"

"I got hurt."

"Okay, let me see." Jungkook sniffed and held out his hand, his fingertips red and nearly blistering.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Taehyung kissed the younger's forehead and sat him on the bed, grabbing supplies from the bathroom. Yoongi watched with sleepy eyes, still laying down behind Jungkook. Taehyung came back, gently applying ointment to his fingers before gently wrapping them in gauze.

"Be very careful with them okay? What happened love?"

"I wanted to make you guys some snacks." Jungkook took a breath and pouted. "But the toast was really hot. I'm sorry."

"We appreciate the thought baby. How about I start dinner?"


"You broke a rule right?"

"Yes, daddy." Yoongi's eyes widened.

"What happens now?"

"I get a punishment." Taehyung pet the little's head.

"Good boy. Go sit in time out for me."

"Okay." Yoongi's mouth gaped, watching Jungkook dutifully leave the bedroom. Taehyung smiles at him.

"Do you feel small?"

"No." He answered, blushing.

"Then let's go start dinner." He led Yoongi into the kitchen, pulling steak from the fridge. 

"Grab a pan from the cabinet, will you?" Tae asks, pointing to the cabinet next to the oven. Yoongi pulls out a nonstick frying pan and sets it on the stove while Taehyung began preparing the meat. The elder sliced the steak into thin pieces and rubbed seasoning into each one, before sliding them aside.

"We'll let those marinate while we do everything else. Wanna start some water boiling?" He asks while washing his hands. 

"Okay." Yoongi fetched a pot and filled it a little over halfway with water. Taehyung watched the boy with a smile as he carried the pot quickly to the stove, scared of dropping it.

"I'll go get Jungkook," Taehyung states, setting a box of spaghetti on the counter. A second later, Jungkook was trotting into the kitchen, a huge smile on his face. The little hugs Yoongi's waist as he slides the pasta into the boiling water. Smiling, Yoongi picks up Jungkook and sets him on his hip.

"Do you get to make dinner with daddy?"

"Mhm, I'm helping." Yoongi stands against the stove so Jungkook can watch Taehyung fry the steak strips. 

Finally, the food is finished and everyone takes their seats at the table. Jungkook asks Yoongi to feed him, and he complies. Taehyung looks at them fondly.

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