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"Kook, I don't think Yoongi slipped earlier. He said he didn't feel real."

"What does that mean?" 

"I learned about it in college before I dropped out. In my trauma class, we talked about dissociation a lot. It's fairly common."

"What do we do?" 

"I'm not too sure. We could wait it out? He said he's not tired so I set him up in the living room."

"Okay, well," Jungkook set his phone on the nightstand and stood up. "I'll go hang out with him, you do some research in case it doesn't go away or happens again."

"Why can't I hang out with him?"

"He likes me better!" Jungkook smiled cheekily.

"That's only 'cause he knows you'll do anything for him. He likes me too."

"Of course he does babe." The younger left a kiss on Taehyung's cheek and practically skipped to the living room.

"Aish that kid," Taehyung muttered, fishing his laptop and charger out of a stray box, sitting on Instagram while it charged a bit. 

Jungkook smiled, kneeling in front of Yoongi. "How're you feeling, hun?"

"Not real."

"Okay, is there anything I can do to help?" Yoongi shook his head. "That's alright. I'll just relax with you if that's okay." Yoongi smiled and rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Yeah." Jungkook and Yoongi passed the time by shuffling through movies on Disney+ and HBO Maxx. 

Finally, Taehyung emerged from his research lair. "Yoongi baby. I'm gonna try something to make you feel better, okay?" The younger thrust his arms in the air.

"Yes please." Taehyung smiled brightly.

"Okay, love. Let's lay you down." Jungkook knelt on the carpet as Taehyung laid Yoongi down on the floor.  "The main thing that you can do for this, without professional help, is either wait it out or try some grounding techniques. Is it okay for me to try that?"

"Yeah," Yoongi answered quietly. 

"Okay. Can you close your eyes for me?" The younger's eyes fluttered closed as he let out a breath. "Good, I'm going to need you to focus on how the floor feels underneath you. What's it like?"

"Warm, fluffy. A little hard but comfortable."

"And how does this feel?" Taehyung leaned over Yoongi and combed his fingers through his hair.

"Really nice."

"I'm glad." Tae was whispering now, his voice soft as a baby blanket. "What are some things you can hear?" 

"You, your voice- your breathing. The fridge running." Yoongi's voice had lost its dreamy, almost lost, undertone. Taehyung cupped the younger's cheek.

"Hey, baby." Yoongi's eyes filled with hot tears.

"I want to go home!" Taehyung sat up and pulled Yoongi with him, situating the younger in his lap. Jungkook moved over and rubbed his back. Tae let Yoongi cry into his chest until he had run out of tears.

"You know when your momma would come home, and cry into your shoulder until she fell asleep leaving you to make dinner? Or when she would get mad at the little things, like expecting her to go to work?" Yoongi nodded, still sniffling. "Those aren't things mommas are supposed to do. You shouldn't need to set out her clothes or make meals for her. Do you know why?"

"No." He answered quietly.

"Because she's an adult. She-"

"I don't care. She needs me." Taehyung shushed the younger and smoothed his hair.

"She wasn't ready to have kids, that's not her fault. But she shouldn't have put so much responsibility on you. You're young! It's not your job to worry about her. You're too small." Yoongi looked between him and Jungkook with raised eyebrows.

"What?" Taehyung stood up and set Yoongi on his hip.

"We'll take care of you." Yoongi pushed softly against Tae's side, kicking his legs and trying to get down. "I've got you, baby." The younger pouted as his eyes teared up again.

"No! Let me go! Put me down!" Taehyung sat in a rocking chair, holding Yoongi's head against his shoulder and restraining his legs. Jungkook entered a moment later, holding a warm bottle of chocolate milk with muscle relaxants stirred in.

"Let's get you something to eat, yeah? Are you hungry?" Taehyung took the bottle and nodded in thanks. Jungkook watched with worried eyes for a moment before disappearing into the living room.

 "It's getting pretty late for you, hm? Are sleepy?" Taehyung asked, bringing the bottle to Yoongi's lips. 

"No!" As soon as Yoongi shouted, Taehyung set the bottle nipple against his tongue. The younger whined and tried to shove it away, but Taehyung squeezed the bottle- distracting him. Warm milk shot into his mouth and forced the younger to swallow. When Yoongi didn't begin sucking on his own, Taehyung pinched his nose and squeezed the bottle again. He didn't let up on the younger's nose until he had swallowed and began sucking on the bottle.

"That's a good boy." Taehyung cooed softly, stroking Yoongi's hair. The younger's eyes drooped slightly, but once he realized his air supply was no longer at risk, he stopped drinking and tried to turn his face away.

"Nuh-uh baby. You need to drink it all okay?"


"Do you want me to pinch your nose again?" He asked sternly.


"Then finish baby." Yoongi looked at him with pleading eyes, but Taehyung didn't budge. Slowly, he opened his mouth again. 

"That's a good boy," Taehyung smiled. Yoongi was washed with the same feeling as when he was with Jungkook, the feeling that he wanted to make them happy. The younger let the bottle opening into his mouth and sucked tentatively. 

"There you go, that's not so bad, hm?" Once the bottle was finished, Taehyung set it at the side of the chair. 

"I wasn't able to finish your bed today, but that's alright. You can sleep with me and bunny"


"Mhmm." Taehyung stood up and carried Yoongi to his room and laid him on the changing table. He grabbed a blue onesie from the drawer and walked back over to Yoongi. The younger saw the clothes and started squirming, trying to sit upright. 

"Shhh, honey."  


"I'll be real quick-" 

"No, no. I... I like this one." Yoongi clutched the collar of Jungkook's shirt he was wearing. Tae set down the onesie.

"Would you like a new big shirt?"

"Yeah, a big shirt."

"Okay, baby." He picked up Yoongi again and carried him to his and Jungkook's shared room, laying him on the bed. Jungkook moved over excitedly and leaned over him.

"Hello there!"

"Say hello to bunny, baby."

"Hello..." He whispered uncertainly. 

"Okay, let's get you dressed, hm?"

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