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Yoongi woke up first, which seemed to be a new development. He had slept most of the muscle relaxants off and gained some mobility. He sat up and rested against the pillows, wiping his bleary eyes. Yoongi's groggy mind cleared quickly, and he began frantically looking around the room for a phone.

He spotted one- but it was under Jungkook's pillow. Praying that it didn't have a passcode, he tentatively reached over and tried to pull the device toward him. Jungkook responded almost instantly, rolling over and opening his eyes. Yoongi froze, eyes wide.

Jungkook regarded him with a neutral look and held out his hand. Yoongi pulled the phone out from the pillow slowly, and rested it in Jungkook's hand, looking down in shame. The elder stood up and plugged it in before scooping Yoongi into his arms without a word.

The younger's eyes watered and he sucked in a breath, nervous to see Jungkook's next actions. Jungkook felt Yoongi's anxiety and placed a firm hand on his back.

"I'm not mad, baby. I understand." All at once, the anxiety flooded from Yoongi's nerves and he relaxed in Jungkook's hold.

"Yeah, there you go. We're not here to hurt you, no matter what. We'll protect you." Yoongi nuzzled into the elder's neck. Taehyung groggily fell out of bed and approached the two.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Taehyung."

"Call me bubby okay?"

"Bubby?" The couple smiled encouragingly.

"Mhmm, good job lovely." Yoongi beamed up at him.

"What a cutie!" Taehyung cooed, leaving a kiss on his cheek. "I bet you're hungry, hm? Let's get you some breakfast."

Taehyung cut up a small bowl of strawberries and apple while Jungkook put together and warmed up a bottle. Once the milk was warm he sprinkled in the muscle relaxants and shook it up.

"Would you like your fruit or bottle first?" Jungkook asked. The younger just stared at them from his place at the table. The couple waited patiently until Yoongi realized there was no getting out of it. He pointed shyly at the bottle.

"Okay, baby." Jungkook sat down and lifted Yoongi into his lap, supporting his head like an infant.

"Will you drink nicely for me?" Yoongi eyed the bottle.

"No." Jungkook sighed and frowned. The younger immediately felt guilty and sad, so when Jungkook put the nipple to his lips; he opened his mouth. Seeing Jungkook's smile, he slowly sucked down the contents of the bottle.

"That's a good boy," Jungkook praised. He pulled the other up so he was sitting with his back to his chest. "And because you did so good, you can have big boy lunch."

"Big boy lunch?"

"Mhm, like bubby and I have."


"Would you like a grilled cheese for lunch later?"

"Okay, what's little space?"

"We'll talk about it later." Jungkook distracted him with an apple chunk. "Here you go, baby." Yoongi felt himself grow heavier and sleepier as Jungkook continued to feed him the fruit. He slumped against Jungkook's chest and let his head fall limp against the elder's neck. Humming in approval, he lifted Yoongi into his arms and carried him to the living room.

Taehyung took care of the dishes as Jungkook sat the younger on the couch. With two pillows as barriers next to him, Yoongi watched as the couple set up a plastic T.V tray decorated with several coloring books and crayons. Jungkook turns on a berry baby sensory video.

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