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Jungkook and Taehyung gazed at Yoongi lovingly, the younger's chest rising and falling rhythmically with sleep. 

"We should probably wake him, huh?"

"But he looks so peaceful."

"I know." Taehyung sighed, smoothing Yoongi hair before sitting up. Yoongi sat up abruptly.

"Well, hello there." Jungkook chuckled softly. Yoongi looked between them with wide eyes and red cheeks. "Hungry?" Yoongi nodded sheepishly.

"Not in littlespace, are we?" Yoongi turned away and covered his cheeks.

"There's no need to be embarrassed," Jungkook cooed. "We wanted you to slip, remember? It's okay." They wanted it to happen. It's their doing. They wanted you to act that way. 

"Let's get some breakfast, hm?"

"Okay," Yoongi whispered. Jungkook smiled gently and took Yoongi's hand.

Yoongi sat awkwardly at the table while the couple prepared three bowls of cereal. Jungkook's shy attempts at conversation fell flat, and though Yoongi felt bed, he didn't want to keep up with small talk. They ate in silence. 

"Would you like to shower?" Jungkook asked as Yoongi set his bowl in the sink.

"Sure." He follows Jungkook to the bedroom and waits patiently while he was handed clean clothes. 

"We've set up your own soaps and stuff, to hopefully make you more at home, but feel free to use whatever you want. We absolutely don't mind." Yoongi cast him a small smile.

"Thank you."

"Of course, love. We'll be around, okay?"

"Okay." Yoongi stepped into the bathroom, closing and locking the door. Confident the door couldn't open, he turned on the tap and waited for the water to get hot. Burning showers were his guilty pleasure. Taking off his clothes, he finally stepping into the comforting stream of water. 

He spotted a peach blossom set of shower products and chose to use them. Once he was clean, he turned up the water temperature and sat down under the stream. I can't believe they've brain washed me into staying here. They kidnapped me! The hot water streamed down his body, comfortingly burning his skin. And I've agreed to do this baby thing with them. 

"Are you alright? You've been in there for a while, babe."But it's hard to think of them as kidnappers when all I can see them as is a caring couple.

"I'm good!" And being in littlespace wasn't so bad- it felt good really. A little voice nagged at the back of his mind. He wiped his face to force the thought away. Turning off the water, Yoongi towel dried himself and dressed quickly.

"There you are!" Taehyung smiled, resting his hand on Yoongi's lower back. "We've got a movie ready in the living room." The elder lead Yoongi back into their bedroom setting his used clothes in the hamper.

"Come here, love." Yoongi stepped into Taehyung's open arms. The elder cupped the back of Yoongi's head and gently rocked side to side. "Thank you for giving this a try, and everything. It's really helped Jungkook a lot."

"How?" Yoongi asked tentatively.

"You'd have to ask him about it okay? He has been through a lot and you being here has helped."

"Oh. I'm glad for him then." Taehyung smiled and kissed Yoongi's hair. "How old are you guys?" Taehyung laughed loudly.

"Not much older than you, bud. Jungkook is 20 and I'm 22."

"Wow. You seem so much older." Jungkook popped his head in.

"Calling us old people are you?" Yoongi's eyes widened.

"No! I'd never! I just meant-"

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm just teasing. Let's start the movie, hm?" Yoongi bit his lip.

"What's up?" Asked Taehyung.

"Will you carry me?" He whispered, tucking his hands into the sleeves of his sweater.

"Mhm, c'mere." Taehyung lifted Yoongi into his arms and met Jungkook in the living room. He lowered the younger slowly into Jungkook's lap. Turning to face Jungkook, Yoongi nuzzled into his neck and listened as they started the movie. Jungkook bounced his knees gently and rubbed Yoongi's back.

"Feeling small, baby?"


"Are you sure?" Yoongi shook his head.

"That's okay," Jungkook whispered comfortingly. Yoongi relaxed for a minute, before turning around to watch the rest of Ratatouille. (a classic, and i can't believe i spelled that right on the first try). 

Light-hearted restaurant music spills from the speakers as the cradits roll. 

"How about helping bubby and I clean up and unpack for a bit, love? We'll turn on some music."

"Okay." Yoongi smiled, leaving Jungkook's lap. Taehyung turned off the T.V and grabbed the speaker. Connecting it to his phone, upbeat music filled the house. The trio started on the living room, pulling decorations from boxes and setting up throw pillows. 

Yoongi adored the glass moon that created little rainbow spots on the walls from the sunlight. Taehyung made sure to have a hand underneath the piece at all times while the younger held it to the window and marveled at the colors. They set the moon on a shelf by the window where the sun would shine through it in the morning. 

Jungkook pulled an Ikea box out of the corner and cut it open. Spreading out the seperate parts of the table, he skimmed the directions. Yoongi rushed over excitedly.

"No running inside please." Yoongi looked at Taehyung with wide eyes. "Come here." The elder called. Yoongi walked over slowly, head down. Hugging the younger, Taehyung murmured in his ear. "You won't get a punishment because this is your first time breaking this rule and you're still learning. Don't do it again, okay?"

"Okay." Taehyung raised his brows. "Okay, bubby."

"Good boy." He allowed Yoongi to scurry back to Jungkook's side, who watched in fascination as the elder assembled the end table. Yoongi bounced excitedly on his heels, constantly asking if he could help. Finally, Jungkook asked him to hold the leg of the table to the tabletop as he screwed them together. Yoongi smiled proudly.

The couple gave the boy small and easy tasks while they made their way through the home. Jungkook pulled the vacuum out of the closet and plugged it in. Once he pressed the on switch, the loud buzzing noise made Yoongi jump and run to Taehyung. The elder bent down ready to scold Yoongi for running in the house again but stopped in surprise when the other hugged him tightly and burrowed into his shirt.

"What's wrong, love?" Yoongi whined and pushed himself impossibly closer. Taehyung scooped him up and sat with him on the couch. Yoongi refused to move away until Jungkook tucked the vacuum back into the closet. 

"What happened baby?" Yoongi babbled back to him. "Hm?" Another string of babbles and sounds. Jungkook joined them on the bed.

"Did I scare you with the vaccuum? I'm sorry, baby." Yoongi turned to him and gurgled, pouting in frustration at not being understood. He began to squirm and tear up, whining when Taehyung began gently bouncing him in his lap.

"Okay, okay. I understand love. It's all okay."

"Let's get into comfier clothes and stay in bed today, alright?" Yoongi nodded. The couple slipped him into a large longsleeve shirt and took turns changing into loose clothing. 

"There we go, all better." Cooed Jungkook, rubbing Yoongi's belly. Taehyung and Jungkook spent the rest of the day laying with Yoongi tucked between them, chatting and cooing at him.

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