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Taehyung climbed into the fort first. Followed by Jungkook and Yoongi. Jungkook sat between Tae's legs, leaving room for Yoongi to climb into his lap. Coraline played on the t.v, keeping the littles occupied. Gazing over them, Taehyung smiled softly and left a kiss on both their heads. Jungkook looked up in confusion.

"I just love my boys so much!" He squeezed them tight, only letting go when Jungkook whined. Yoongi blushed, curling into a small ball in the elder's lap. Tae chuckled, ruffling his hair.

Yoongi jumped as the other mother banged on the door, trying to catch Coraline. Pouting with teary eyes, the younger buried his head in Jungkook's neck and sniffled. Jungkook pulled himself out of his headspace, rubbing Yoongi's back.

"Did you get scared, darling? It's okay." Taehyung leaned back on his hands and let Jungkook calm Yoongi down. Yoongi's mind felt fuzzier and fuzzier as Jungkook consoled him. He rested fully against Jungkook's chest and closed his eyes. 

"Do you want me to turn it off? We can put on a different show."

"Daddy..." Yoongi whimpered quietly. Jungkook's eyes widened, but he kept his voice calm not wanting to make Yoongi upset.

"Daddy's got you, baby. I'm right here."

"Scary..." Jungkook looked to Taehyung for help. Nodding encouragingly, he motioned for Kook to hold Yoongi's head. He then moved out of the way, letting the pair lay down. Jungkook held the little close as he coaxed him to sleep. 

Carefully replacing his arm with a spare pillow, Jungkook crept out of the fort. He sighed and slumped onto his knees. Taehyung stood behind him, letting the younger lean back and rest his head on his thighs. 

"I don't think I'm cut out to be his daddy."

"You'll do well. I know it."

"I don't know how."

"All it takes is time and practice. I promise. As you go you'll learn, just as I did." Taehyung pulled Jungkook to his feet.

"I'm raising my own baby caregiver." Jungkook blushed, turning away. Taehyung took his hand and pulled him toward the kitchen.

"Come now, love. Let's make dinner." Nodding, Jungkook fled to the pantry and came back holding two boxes of spaghetti. 

"Let's make pasta!" Taehyung chuckled.

"Okay, love." Taehyung set a pot of water on the stove to boil, pulling Jungkook to his chest. He swayed gently to silent music. 

"What're you doing?" Jungkook chuckled.

"Shhh. Dance with me." Taking his hand, Taehyung spun Jungkook and then pulled him back into his chest. Jungkook smiled, turning around and hugging Tae's neck.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Yoongi told me something," Taehyung announced, keeping a hand on the younger's hip as he turned to pour the pasta in the water.

"He said he'd be willing to give us a chance."

"Really?!? I was sure I made him too uncomfortable."

"He's okay now. I told him for the rest of the day we'd treat him as if we're all in a relationship so he can see how he feels about it. Why don't you finish up and I go wake him?"


Taehyung crawled into the tent, leaving kisses over Yoongi's cheeks and forehead. The younger stirred, opening his eyes.

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