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I'm writing this like 2 hours after i got my wisdom teeth out so i apologize if i don't make sense~

Seated inside the restaurant, Yoongi anxiously flipped through the menu. Taehyung smiled as the waiter approached and ordered them all a glass of water.

"I don't know if I like these." Yoongi pouted, setting the menu down.

"Don't worry hun, we'll help you." Jungkook volunteered. Once the waiter delivered their drinks, Taehyung ordered each of them a cup of soup.

"If you don't like yours, you can try one of ours okay?" Yoongi nodded.

"Here's your food! Holler if you need anything else." He gently placed the bowls in the
center off the table before taking a step back.


"Thankyou so much." Jungkook picked up his spoon and gently dunked it into the soup before bringing it to his mouth. Blowing gently, he waited for the steam to dissipate before eating.

Taehyung on the other hand plucked a plastic straw from the container at the wonder of the table, unwrapped it, and sucked up a mouthful of soup. He cringed as he swallowed, the broth burning his throat. Yoongi decided to use his spoon as well and followed Jungkook's footsteps.

"Is it good?" Taehyung asked, his voice a little hoarse. Yoongi scrunched his noses and shook his head.

"I don't like this one." He said, gently pushing the bowl away. Jungkook smiled.

"Here. We can switch." Jungkook took a bowl in each hand and traded their places. Yoongi took another spoonful. Suddenly he paused, the spoon halfway to his mouth. We never switched spoons. I'm using his spoon.

He shyly peeked at Jungkook who didn't seem to mind the switch and was eating swiftly. That's like an indirect kiss. Yoongi took a mouthful of soup and sighed.

"This one is good."

"I'm glad, love."

Having finished their meal, Taehyung and Jungkook stacked their bowls at the end of the table. Jungkook paid the check and Tae left a good-sized tip. Unable to finish, Yoongi timidly left his half-full bowl next to the couples. The trio stood and made their way to the door.

"Ready baby?" Jungkook asked, glancing at the younger nervously.

"Only if you guys will be there with me." He replied shyly.

"We promised, didn't we? We won't leave your side." Jungkook said smiling as he opened the rear car door. Yoongi nodded thanks and slid into the seat. He quickly scooted over once he realized Jungkook intended to sit in the back as well.

The elder gently took Yoongi's hand in his own and pulled him closer till their sides were flush. Yoongi let out a breath and rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"It's okay to be nervous and not want to go. We both understand. But it's also important to realize that this could help you so it's better to try it out." Taehyung started the engine. Yoongi draped his legs across Jungkook's lap and rested their joined hands in his lap.

"I am nervous," he said, looking down. Jungkook wrapped his arm around and gently rubbed the younger's back.

They pulled into the parking lot quickly and waited for someone to pull out before taking a parking spot.

"All set love?" Taehyung called from the front. The younger nodded, his heart in his throat. Taehyung opened the rear door and took Yoongi's hand, helping him from the vehicle. Jungkook shut the door and locked the car. Yoongi slipped his hand from Taehyung's and gripped the back of the elder's shirt, hiding behind him. The couple chuckled.

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