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Yoongi woke up first. Shame immediately settled into his chest like a cement block. He cautiously slipped out of bed and locked himself in the bathroom. How could I allow them to treat me like that? How could I say yes?

Unfortunately, the trio usually woke up within minutes of each other and Jungkook had begun knocking on the door.

"Yoongi honey. You okay in there? You didn't even turn the light on." Yoongi stayed slumped and silent on the floor against the bathtub.

"I'll be in the kitchen. Come out when you're ready." Taking a deep breath, the younger leaned his head back on the edge of the bathtub. 

Maybe I'm dragging this out. He stared at the ridges in the ceiling paint. 

Almost an hour later he pulled himself off the floor and trudged out into the kitchen. Jungkook greeted him with a smile. Leaning against the table, Yoongi eyed him suspiciously. 

"Aren't you going to ask me why I was locked in the bathroom?" Jungkook shook his head, turning off the burner and stepping in front of the younger.

"You'll tell us when you're ready. Pushing you when you're not ready or comfortable will only make you resent us."

"You'd care? If I resent you?"

"Of course. We don't want you to think badly of us. Despite us tricking you to get you here, we care how you feel." Yoongi looked away with red cheeks.

"Will you kiss me?" Tucking a finger under Yoongi's chin, Jungkook pulled his face up and brushed his thumb across the younger's cheek. The elder leaned in slowly, softly pressing their lips together.

"I wouldn't mind seeing this every morning." Yoongi pulled away abruptly and stared at Taehyung with wide eyes. 

"Do I get one too?" He asked, leaning in close. When Yoongi nodded, Taehyung snuck a quick peck and turned to the stove.

"What's for breakfast?"

"I made some eggs and home fries."

"Sounds very yummy, babe." Taehyung complimented, giving Jungkook a kiss as well. 

After they ate, everyone collected in the bedroom to get dressed for the day.

"How would you feel about going to therapy?" Taehyung asked, eyeing Yoongi as he slipped on a shirt. Yoongi shrugged from his spot at the edge of the bed.

"Our friend Jin is great. I used to see him before and didn't even realize he was college friends with Taehyung."

"Did it help you?"

"A lot more than you think. Sometimes it's nice to talk to a stranger and get a different perspective on things." Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"I had a therapist while I was in college. Everything was really stressful but it actually helped me out." Yoongi swung his legs anxiously.

"I guess I should try it then..." Jungkook smiled and sat next to him.

"I promise Jin is really nice." He said, rubbing the younger's back comfortingly.

"And if you don't like it- you can stop going and that'll be the end of it," Tae added.



"I'll go give Jin hyung a call," Taehyung announced as he retreated to the living room. Jungkook patted Yoongi's back.

"Go on and get dressed." Before Yoongi was able to make it to the closet, Taehyung came back. He pulled the phone away from his ear and clicked on the screen.

"Am I on speaker now?" An unknown voice asked.

"Yes, hyung."

"Okay, Hello Yoongi~" Yoongi looked up at Taehyung with eyes bigger than his head. The elder smiled softly.

"Say hi." He encouraged.

"Hi?" Jin chuckled.

"Hi, hon. I just wanted to talk to you a bit. How do you feel about coming in today?"


"I know it's sudden notice and you haven't had time to really mentally prepare or get used to the idea of therapy yet. But the first session is always the easiest. All we have to do is go over some agreements and contracts then get your session schedule set up. By then our time will be up, okay?" 

"I guess..." Yoongi mumbled, scrunching his nose.

"It's nothing to worry over I promise. You let Tae know what time is good for you and I'll see you then."


"Good. Bye Yoongi!"

"Bye." Yoongi frowned at the phone.

"I don't want to go."

"It's better to get it over with than worrying about it right?" Jungkook asked hopefully. Yoongi shrugged, turning around and plucking clothes from the closet. He then fled to the bathroom and shut the door firmly behind him. 

"Maybe... that wasn't the best idea." Jungkook offered.

"I didn't know he was going to say that! He just said he wanted to talk to Yoongi."

"Jin hyung is quite unpredictable."

"If that ain't the truth. I just hope this doesn't backfire on us."

"Hyung was right. The first session is the easiest because you hardly talk at all. You're just getting all the business stuff out of the way. I'm sure everything will be fine." Taehyung still remained unsure but nodded nonetheless. Yoongi emerged from the bathroom clad in Jungkooks sweatpants and Taehyung's sweater. The couple melted at his soft appearance. 

"I need help." He announced.

"Okay, love. With what?" The younger shuffled over and lifted his sweater, revealing the waist of the pants nearly falling off.

"I can't tie them." He admitted. Jungkook smiled kindly and knelt before him. He pulled the string as tight as he could and tied a bow.

"There you go." He said, leaving a kiss just below Yoongi's belly button. He giggled and dropped the sweater quickly.

"That tickles." 

"We should get you in for a haircut soon." Taehyung mused, ruffling the younger's hair and kissing his cheek. Jungkook stood up and kissed Yoongi's cheek.

"How about we head out and get your hair done, and then we can stop for lunch before stopping to see Jin hyung?" Yoong shook his head.

"I don't want to." 

"It's okay to be nervous or anxious about it love." The younger looked up at Tae doubtfully.

"But we still gotta try it out okay? If after two sessions you still don't want to go then we can be done with it. Does that sound fair?" Yoongi pouted. Every worst-case scenario rolled over in his head, making his heart pound. What if Jin wasn't actually nice? What if he isn't who they say he is? What if we get in an accident on the way there? 

"I don't want to." He muttered.

"Does that sound fair?" Jungkook asked again. Yoongi nodded.

"Good. Nothing will happen to you while we're there. Since today is only a consultation, we could even go in with you. Would that help?" Yoongi nodded again.

"Okay, we'll get it sorted out. Now," Jungkook ruffled the other's dark locks. 

"Let's get you in for a hair appointment."

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