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fun story time at the end

Taehyung pulled a gray t-shirt from his closet.

"Ooh, let me change him! Is that okay, baby?"

"Um, okay." Jungkook took the shirt from Yoongi. He smiled warmly as he removed the t-shirt from Yoongi's chest and slipped the new one on.

"There you go! All done." Jungkook cheered, lifting the younger and settling him in the center of the bed. "Let's get all tucked in." Yoongi blinked slowly and tried to roll away.

"Want to go home."

"Baby, baby, baby," Taehyung whispered, now dressing in pajamas. "You're not able to go home, remember?"

"She needs me."

"She doesn't baby. She'll be okay."

"No!" Taehyung sat on the bed and scooped Yoongi into his lap.

"Listen to me, okay honey? Look at me." He cupped Yoongi's cheeks and looked him in the eye. "You don't need your mom anymore, and she doesn't need you. You have us to take care of you. And she's an adult who can take care of herself. She doesn't need you."

Yoongi's eyes filled with salty tears for what felt like the hundredth time. Taehyung tucked him into his chest and leaned back. "We're here for you baby." Yoongi clutched at his shirt weakly, not sure whether to be calmed or scared by the man offering him comfort. Nevertheless, Taehyung continued to rub the younger's back and whisper loving words to him.

The elder noticed that Yoongi had begun to tire, his hold loosening and tears subsiding. Taehyung laid him in their bed, leaving a kiss on his forehead. "Don't worry, you're safe. We've got you." Yoongi's lips quirked upwards as he relaxed into the mattress. "That's a good boy." Tae whispered.

Taehyung and Jungkook left a kiss on either of the younger's cheeks before slipping out into the living room. The couple settled into the couch and switched on Lucifer  for background noise.

"Do you think he'll get over- well not get over- but be able to deal with his mom?"

"Honestly, Jungkook..." Taehyung took a breath. "I think that we'll have to do what we can to help him manage until he is used to us and littlespace, and once he's settled we could get him someone to talk to, to help him work through everything. This situation included."

"Should we push him more then, into littlespace?"

"I think we should do more than we are now, but not too much as to scare him. His crib will be finished tomorrow and then his room is all set, and he actually did better with the bottle than I was expecting."

"I could see it in his face when I was changing him here," Jungkook said softly. "Even though he's confused he still wants to please us. I'm not sure if its good or not."

"Both, I think. It will make things a bit easier but I wish his mom hadn't made him into a people pleaser." Jungkook nodded solemnly.

"Well, Namjoon has his degree in psychology. Once Yoongi is ready I could talk to him."

"He has a little too, if I'm correct?"

"Yup, Jimin." The couple turned their heads sharply as a small thump came from their bedroom. Jungkook headed in first, sitting next to Yoongi while Taehyung picked up the pillow the younger had thrown.

"What's littlespace?" Yoongi asked. Jungkook combed through the younger's hair.

"It's your bedtime, baby. We'll answer your questions in the morning."

"But you said you would push me into it." Jungkook smiled tenderly.

"You'll be okay with us. Get some sleep now hm? It's been a long day for you." Yoongi pouted but closed his eyes anyway, letting the couple shuffle in beside him and tuck him under the duvet.

I hate when authors leave notes or whatever in chapters, but I thought this would be funny to share with you. My mom and I went shopping at Aldi and when paid, whatever blah bah blah and went out to my car. (I'm 17 and have my permit, my aunt gave me her old car.) The key fob is broken so you have to unlock it using the key and the hole in the door. Well, the keyhole (?) got stuck so we couldn't unlock the car. Basically, we were locked out.

My mom called triple a, but we were still stuck out in the cold, and it had started sprinkling. I felt literally SO stupid standing there outside my car with a cart of groceries for like half an hour. Here are some pics from the experience:

 Here are some pics from the experience:

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That's my mom

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That's my mom

This couple came up to us and tried to fiddle with the lock, but it didn't work so they left. And then this other guy came over and tried to use the antenna of his car to push the unlock button but that didn't work either. Then a little bit later, the couple came back. They had BOUGHT a battery for my key fob so that we could unlock the car. It actually worked, and then I drove home.

This might be a little tmi but now we make jokes about how my car's keyhole needs lube.

But yeah that's it I hope it was funny! <3

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