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Jungkook woke up slowly, blinking into the sunlight. He groaned. The couple was still sleeping next to him, but despite the promise of warm morning snuggles, there was a strange weight on his chest. This was the kind of weight he'd quit his job to avoid. The kind of weight he left college to avoid. Unable to ignore it any longer, he gathered himself into a soft blanket, slid into his slippers, and made his way to his office. His analog clock blinked 6:32 but he paid it no mind. The soft computer screen light blanketed his face as the document booted up. He read the chapter that had been typed so far, making small mechanical changes along the way. Once he reached the end, he began to type effortlessly, fingers flying across the keys as the words flew from his brain to the page. Slowly the weight on his chest dissipated, the overhanging deadline seeming more like a reachable goal.

Taehyung crept into the room, taking a seat on the floor and watching Jungkook work. The only sounds were his laptop keyboard and the occasional sigh. Taehyung frowned as the other shifted around and wrapped the blanket tighter. He left quietly and came back with a thick quilt. Jungkook turned around as he came back in.

"Maybe we should get you a little space heater for when you're working," Taehyung suggested softly, wrapping the quilt around the other with a small smile.

"What're you doing up?"

"I'm up when my baby's up. Someone needs to keep you out of trouble." He teased, kissing Jungkook on the forehead. The younger blushed, pushing Tae away gently.

"Why are you writing so early in the morning anyway?"

"Go back to bed, Yoongi might get upset when he realizes he's alone." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"You didn't answer my question."

"I just wanted to," he said with a shrug. Thankfully, Taehyung let it go, heading back to bed after a peck on the lips. He found Yoongi sitting up, hair mussed from sleepy and eyes narrowed to slits.

"Morning, baby."

"Taehyung?" The elder hummed.

"Jin said it might be good to talk to you... since I am confused about some things."

"I think we should wait 'til you're more awake, love."

"Wanna do it now."

"Okay, should I get Jungkook?" Yoongi shook his head, watching anxiously as Taehyung sat against the headboard.

"Wanna talk to you first." The elder patted his lap.

"Talk to me." He stated once Yoongi was comfortable.

"Would you say the three of us are a c- are... in a relationship?"

"Do you want to be our boyfriend?" Yoongi pouted.

"Do you want me to be?" Taehyung chuckled, brushing hair from Yoongi's eye.

"As much as I want to reassure you, I don't want me- or Jungkook- to influence your decision." Taking a deep breath, Yoongi turned away.

"I do, want to be your boyfriend." He muttered. Taehyung kissed him on the cheek in return. The younger faced him slowly, relieved it was made into a big deal.

"Is there something else?"

"Well...I just... I don't have a specific question but I'm just confused on the... everything." Taehyung chuckled, kissing all over the younger's face and erasing his look of defeat. He idly kissed over his cheekbones and mouthed at his neck while Yoongi collected his thoughts.

"I guess I'm having trouble getting used to everything. Or fully grasping it at least." He relaxes in the elder's hold as he nips a sensitive part of his neck. He closes his eyes, not noticing Jungkook enter the room.

"Sometimes all you can do is give it time. But if there's anything I can clarify I will do my best."

"Why am I feeling what I'm feeling. I don't understand!" He lets the words pour from his brain, resting in Taehyung's hold.

"I'm processing things with my mom, and that's helped a lot, but I still don't understand what's happening here, at home." Yoongi froze. Home. Taehyung slipped his hands beneath his shirt, holding his waist securely.

"I don't understand." He whispered dejectedly. Jungkook frowns, petting the younger's head making him look up in surprise.

"You're Yoongi. You live with us, who take care of you when you need a break- little or not. We'll stick with you through anything."

"Being officially boyfriends, things will change." Taehyung thumbed over Yoongi's nipples. Jungkook abandoned his surprise for happiness that Jungkook wanted to be with them.

"I trust you guys," Yoongi said breathlessly. Taehyung leaned in close, laying Yoongi on the bed and hovering over him.

"Good, darling."

And that's the end! Sorry if it seems abrupt i tried my best to smooth it out. I leave for France in about a week so i wanted to wrap this up before hand. Please if you're on a03 give me some advice, i do plan on moving there so far my username is madispelledright <3

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