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There are mentions of sh and suicide in here if that's not your thing. It's not intense by any means tho

Namjoon starts the ignition, waiting for Yoongi and Taehyung to climb in the back. Yoongi's leg bounces erratically, and Taehyung kisses his forehead to soothe him.

"Don't worry, if you get too anxious we can always come back home. You don't need to do anything you don't want to." Home. Is this home? His gut told him yes. 

Taehyung held his hand tightly as he led Yoongi into the facility. Namjoon held the door open for the pair, before offering them a small smile and heading into the back offices. They approached the front desk. A small lady was perched behind the counter, answering calls and making notes.

"Yes? Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes." She handed Taehyung a clipboard and motioned to a cup of pens.

"Go ahead and fill this out. You'll be called back when they're ready."

"Thank you." He plucked a pen out of the jar and led Yoongi to a row of chairs. Taehyung quietly read the questions out to Yoongi and filled in his information accordingly. Shuffling nervously, the younger's knee bounced and he picked at his nails as Taehyung stood to return the paperwork.

"You'll be okay, love," Taehyung assured him, sitting down again.

"I won't be able to go back with you, but I'll wait here. If you need to leave early, that's okay just come get me."

"I will." (I know absolutely nothing about medical screenings for mental illnesses so bear with me)

"Min Yoongi?" Taehyung nodded encouragingly, smiling softly a Yoongi followed the assistant.

The pair entered a relatively bare room, painted a gentle cream color. She smiled and handed him a clipboard with a pen tied to it.

"Sorry this can't be more professional with a table and designated room and everything but we've been fully booked."

"That's okay," Yoongi added timidly.

"I'm gonna go ahead and leave the room. Once you're finished filling everything out, go ahead and exchange this board for the one right here." She pointed to a wire basket containing another clipboard with a big stack of papers attached. Yoongi nods.

"Perfect. And once you're done, you can meet your boyfriend back in the waiting room." Yoongi blushed and spluttered.

"Uh-he's not-we're not-"

"I know, honey. All jokes." She grinned cheekily and exited the room. Yoongi relaxed into the cushioned chair, setting the pen to the page. Have you ever had thoughts of harming yourself? Wow, they really don't waste any time. Yoongi fiddled with the pen. I should be honest, right? But they might send me into a hospital. 

Running a hand through his hair, Yoongi worried at his lip- and marked yes. Have you ever acted on these thoughts? Yoongi sighed. I want to go home. 

Almost 2 hours and over 100 questions later and Yoongi was gathering himself to go back to the lobby. He ran through the route one more time in his head before slowly opening the door. A doctor traveling his way nodded in greeting. Yoongi smiled awkwardly, practically running through the halls.

He timidly stepped into the waiting room, meeting Taehyung's eyes and he walked over. The elder immediately stood up and embraced him. Yoongi buried his pink face in Tae's neck. 

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