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as i'm writing this, i'm home sick from school, i go to the walk-in in an hour but the left side of my sinuses, throat, and face are swollen for some reason. I guess we'll see what happens.

After Namjoon stopped by to pick up Jimin, the trio gathered in their bedroom. Jungkook helped Yoongi into one of his shirts and let him climb into bed.

"The doctor lady said I should try 'talk therapy.'"

"Would you like to try it?"

"I don't know." Jungkook shuffled under the covers next to him.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to talk to anyone. It's too tiring to relive everything and explain it to a stranger."

"Well, that's understandable." Taehyung cut in. "But an outside perspective might help you make sense of everything you've experienced and find things you missed."

"You can go for a couple of sessions just to feel it out, yeah? If it doesn't feel helpful we'll find something that does." Yoongi nodded.


"What else did the doctor say?"

"There are things we have to change at home so I don't have another episode. I left the list somewhere..."

"Do you think of this as your home?" Yoongi ducked his head, drawing himself inward.

"I do. Is that okay?"

"That's perfectly okay, baby." Jungkook brushed the younger's hair back and kissed his forehead. Then his nose. Taehyung shuffled around and pulled Yoongi into his lap.

"We're glad you feel comfortable enough to call this your home."

"Come on, let's brush your teeth and settle in for bed." Tae carried Yoongi on his hip and met Jungkook in the bathroom. The younger let Jungkook hold his chin as he brushed his teeth. Once finished, he waited for the couple to finish before getting carried back to bed.

"Are you happy you went today?"

"Yeah... I am. Even though it was uncomfy it made you guys happy, so I'm glad I went." Jungkook stepped closer to Yoongi, causing him to fall backward onto the bed. Taehyung watched with a knowing smirk. Looking up with wide eyes, the younger watched at Jungkook leaned on his hands over him, pinning him into the mattress.

The elder's warm breath felt like a summer breeze through the hair framing his face, warming his cheeks. Jungkook licked his lips.

"You're precious." He whispered. Fisting Jungkook's shirt, he pushed against his chest and whined.


"Mhm, I was right." He chuckled. He endured Yoongi's struggling and leaned close to his ear, wedging a knee between the younger's legs.

"You're absolutely precious." Taehyung shook his head, laughing at them.

"Okay," He gently pulled Jungkook away. "Let's not get too riled up before bed." Yoongi sat up quickly, looking at Jungkook with wide eyes. The trio climbed under the covers.

"Give me a kiss, love." Yoongi shuffled closer and kissed Taehyung's cheek.

"Give Kook one too." Blushing a bright red, he rolled over and kissed Jungkook's cheek. The elder pet his hair lightly.

"Good boy."

Taehyung blinked himself awake, rolling over and cuddling under the covers. He cracked his eyes open, seeing the rumpled sheets where Yoongi had been last night. Rubbing his eyes, he threw on a ratty sweatshirt and padded into the living room.

Yoongi still yet to be located, he moved on to the kitchen. There he found Yoongi, perched at the table with a fork scraping off pieces of the leftover cake.

"Yoongi baby?" The younger grunted.

"Doing okay?" Sighing, Yoongi dropped the fork into the cake and rested his forehead on the table.

"I couldn't sleep."

"All night?" He nodded weakly. Lifting Yoongi into his arms, he gently rocked on his feet. Yoongi clenched his fists and scrunched his face, unintentionally letting out a whine. Taehyung frowned worriedly.

"It's okay to be frustrated."

"I'm so tired. I have zero energy. But I can't sleep!"

"It's okay baby. No stress. Kookie and I will take care of you. We'll make it all better."

"You promise?"

"I promise darling."

Taehyung passed Yoongi into Jungkook's arms, throwing the other's fork into the sink and packing the rest of the cake back into the freezer.

"Okay baby, what do you feel like doing today?"

"Just wanna be with chu guys..." He mumbled clumsily, leaning fully into Jungkook's embrace.

"What about the garden? Would you like to see it?" Yoongi nodded.

"Alright, let's get ready." Jungkook's helped Yoongi into short shorts and a loose t-shirt with a small embroidered flower design on the chest. Laying sleepily on the mattress, the younger watched the couple change through slitted eyes.

"I think you'll really like the garden, darling. Too bad it's getting colder out, I would have loved to enjoy it with you more."

"Do gardens come back when spring comes again?"

"Yes, baby. Sometimes they do."

"Good. I want to joy it with you guys too." Taehyung smiled, ruffling Yoongi hair. Jungkook collected him into his arms and carried him to the sliding glass doors. Taehyung slid back the blinds and pulled out the stick at the bottom. He opened the door, stepping outside and waiting for the pair to follow. He slid the screen closed behind them. 

Yoongi gasped, fighting to get down. Jungkook set Yoongi on his feet and laughed as the younger ran off into the flowers. Rose bushes lined the property on the inside of a white fence, protecting the beds of colorful wildflowers filling the yard. Smiling brightly, Yoongi stumbled forward toward the roses, kneeling clumsily. 

He leaned in close, watching a small bee crawl over the velvet petals. Taehyung sat behind him, pulling Yoongi away from the flower and into his lap

"Careful, baby. Don't want the bee to sting you."

"That's a honey bee." He stated matter of factly.


"Honey bees have barbed stingers. That means they're nice bees."

"I don't think so love."

"They don't sting unless you bother them." Yoongi leaned forward, pushing against Tae's arms at his waist. 

"Let me see~.

"You can see from here, darling. I don't want to risk you getting stung. You're allergic." Yoongi whined and pouted, leaning out of Taehyung's reach. Crawling back to the rose, Yoongi watched the bee crawl into the flower's center. 

"Min Yoongi." The younger glared back at him, crossing his arms.

"Come back here now." Yoongi shook his head.

"You heard me." Yoongi stomped over and sat back in Taehyung's lap. Tae pulled him closer.

"I understand you want to see, but you could get very sick if you get stung, we can't risk it," Yoongi whined.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes." Yoongi spat. 

"Don't be rude. I'm just looking out for you." Sighing, Yoongi faced the elder and hugged his neck. Taehyung rubbed his back gently.

"Good boy."

basically, they tested me for strep and covid and they were both negative. it's the next day and the swelling has switched to my right side. i don't even feel as sick anymore i'm just swollen and can't breathe out of my nose. it's the weirdest thing. I had to cancel my sleepover with my aunt for her birthday cause of it :(

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