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Pulling into her driveway after a long day of being in the OR, Miranda turned off her car and leaned her head back against the headrest and closed her eyes. However many minutes later seeing as she had fallen asleep, Miranda was startled by a tap on her car window. Miranda turned her head quickly and looked annoyingly at her new neighbor.

He was always waving when he saw her and trying to have conversation. He was overly friendly and that annoyed her and overwhelmed her introverted personality. Miranda rolled her window down and stared blankly at her neighbor.

"Yes," Miranda stated plainly.

"Hey neighbor, I was just checking on you because I saw that you have been sitting here with your eyes closed for awhile and as a medical professional I just couldn't go inside and not make sure you're okay," Ben stated genuinely.

Removing the annoyed look on her face, Miranda sighed and gave a slight smile.
"Thank you for checking on me...uhhh what is your name?" she inquired.

"Right, we have never exchanged names. My name is Benjamin Warren, but my friends call me Ben," he stated.

"Dr.Miranda Bailey and to answer your initial concern Benjamin, I'm fine just tired from a long day in the OR," Miranda expressed.

Nodding with a slight smirk on his face. "I understand that as I've spent many long days in the OR."

Getting out of the car Miranda walked up and onto her porch. Ben stood with his hands in his pockets and turned as he watched her walk onto her porch.

"So you're a surgeon also," Miranda asked.
Ben walked towards her.

"Yes I was but now I'm a surgical firefighter. I work at station 19 and I established the Physicians Response Team," Ben said proudly.

"Oh yes I heard about the PRT, that was an amazing idea. It will definitely save a lot of lives that normally would be lost, Miranda beamed.

"Thank you and that's the goal," Ben said.
"Well Dr.Benjamin Warren, I'm going to make my way inside and rest because this is the first weekend I have to myself since my son is with his father. So you have a good night," Miranda said as she unlocked her door.

"Well Dr.Miranda Bailey, make sure to not close your eyes until your safe inside next time. Have a good night," Ben replied as he walked back over to his house.

Miranda rolled her eyes at his comment and walked inside. She slipped her shoes off and dropped her bag on the foyer table. Then she walked down the hall to her bedroom and went straight to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

Miranda simultaneously ordered food as she removed her clothes. Once her food was ordered she got in the shower and began washing her body.

"Alexa, play Daydreaming by Aretha Franklin," she said. Miranda closed her eyes, smiled and started singing along to the music.

"He's the kind of guy that would say hey baby let's get away. Let's go some place far, where I don't care"

"He's the kind of guy that you give your everything, your trust, your heart, share all of your love til death so you part," Miranda sang with the music.

Miranda got out of the shower, put lotion on her body and slipped into her comfy pajamas just in time to hear her door bell ring. Miranda answered the door and smiled at the food delivery driver. She gave him a tip as she thanked him and closed the door.

Miranda smirked as she took her food back to her bedroom and closed the door like she was keeping a secret. She would never permit her son to eat in his room and she hated the thought of food being in her bed, but she really just wanted to relax in her bed and watch tv.

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