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Finally giving y'all an update for this story. Enjoy!

A day later Miranda woke up to her hospital room completely empty. She felt herself about to panic because the last time she was left alone she and her baby were almost killed. Even though Ben told her that Anthony had officially been caught she still didn't feel safe. Miranda was starting to hyperventilate when Ben walked in.

Ben slowly paced back and forth as he talked on the phone with the realtor and was given a date of when they would be able to go in and sign the papers to close on the house. He was so happy that they would be in the new house soon but he hated that he would have to take Miranda back to his house for a few days until they could close on the house. After he got off the phone with the realtor he walked back to Miranda's room ready to tell her the good news but the smile on his face erased seeing the distress on hers.

Ben rushed to her side as the nurses rushed in behind him hear the monitors going off. "Miranda baby breathe," he said as he placed the oxygen mask on her face.

Miranda gripped his arm as she closed her eyes and tears ran down her cheeks, "Baby you have to be calm for yourself and Dani," Ben told Miranda as he tried to soothe her.

When her breathing returned to normal and her monitors stopped going off rapidly, Ben removed the oxygen mask from her face. "I—I woke up and no one was here with me....the last time I was alone we almost died," Miranda explained touching her belly.

Ben clenched his jaw as he tired to hold back his tears. "I'm going to be here with you from now on so you don't have to be afraid to be alone," Ben said running his hand through her hair.

"I have a surprise, we get to close on the house next Tuesday," Ben said softly.

Miranda smiled slightly as her anxiety began to calm down. And Dr. Hunt and Dr. Webber said that you can leave tomorrow and we can stay in a hotel if you don't want to go back to my house so you don't have to see what your house looks like," Ben rambled.

Miranda touched Ben's face because even though she was dealing with a panic attack she could tell he was having anxiety of his own. "Yes, we can stay at a hotel please," Miranda replied. 

The day to be discharged came and Ben was wheeling her out to their car.  Miranda was glad to not be a patient anymore and that she and her baby were still alive. And despite everything that happened she would be moving into a beautiful new home with her husband, son and baby. Even thought Anthony was in jail part of her mind couldn't stop worrying, and fearing that something else would happen.

They talked to the police and lawyer the day before and informed Miranda that if she didn't desire to be at the trial she didn't have to. There was more than enough evidence to put him in prison for a long time that still wasn't stopping her from feeling the trauma of it all at every moment.

"Ben....I think that I need to go see a therapist," Miranda said quickly as Ben was driving them to the hotel.

Ben looked over at his wife and grabbed her hand as he saw how visibly shaken she was. He hated that this happened and now his wife didn't feel mentally well but he was glad she wasn't afraid to ask for help.

They arrived at the hotel and when they got in the room Miranda's parents were sitting on the living room couch waiting. Elaina stood up nervous and happy to see her daughter, "hey baby," she said softly to Miranda.

"Momma," Miranda said as she quickly began breaking down seeing her momma and Elaina rushed to grab her daughter. No matter how old she was she still saw her little girl and knew when she needed her.

Elaina walked Miranda into the bedroom to lay down and she wrapped her arms around Miranda and sang to her until she calmed down and fell asleep. Ben sat on the couch beside William and sighed deeply as he put his face in his hands.

"I hate this so much, we are in a time in our lives where we should be experiencing joy. We are newly weds and we're having a baby together but this man just couldn't rest until we were miserable like him," Ben vented to William.

"And I'm upset with myself for being upset with her because I feel like if she would have followed her heart and been with me  in the first place we wouldn't be in this situation," Ben whispered as he got emotional.

"Son people make decisions that aren't always logical because of fear. We all make mistakes that cost us but thank God that this mistake didn't cost my daughter and granddaughter's lives like it was intended and work to heal and forgive. And if I know my daughter like I believe I do she is already beating herself up and she will need your love," William shared.

"And it will be an emotional scar but y'all will get pass this and still be able to enjoy this time of being newlyweds and parents to a new baby. Hopefully the rest of your years together will feel like the honeymoon phase because of the love and friendship you have," William expressed.

"Ummm I need to go get Miranda some stuff for now and hopefully when she is feeling up to it I can take her shopping. Maybe when we close on the house and get the key on Tuesday she will be in the mood to do some shopping, we have a lot of stuff to get for the house," Ben explained as he stood up.

"And you know that we will be more than willing to help buy stuff for you, think of it as a house warming gift," William replied.

"Thank you, like I said I'm going to go get her some stuff and probably get some food for the next few days. Call me if she wakes up or just let her know I'll be right back," Ben said walking out of the hotel room.

When Ben finished shopping and started to put all of the bags in the back of his truck he saw all the shopping bags from the day that he and Miranda went shopping for the baby. They were so busy trying to get in the house to make love that they never took the bags. He hurried back to the hotel and used one of the carts to get all the stuff up to the room. He included all the baby bags in hopes that it would cheer Miranda up.

When he got back to the room William helped with the bags and Miranda was still asleep in her mother's arms. Ben quietly got up onto the bed beside them and rubbed Miranda's back. She woke up turned over and laid against Ben's chest as he rubbed her belly and felt the baby kicking.

"She's kicking," Ben said excited but softly.

"She knows when her daddy is close by, she has been moving constantly seen we were in the hospital and she hears your voice," Miranda said.

Miranda's parents left and went to stay at Ben's house to give them some privacy. It began to storm outside and they laid in bed for the rest of the day just listening to the rain.

"Ben....I'm sorry," Miranda said in a shaky voice.

"Why are you saying sorry baby," Ben asked holding her closer.

"Because this is all my fault, if I would have just let us be together instead of dating him and we wouldn't have almost died and I wouldn't be so traumatized. You always wanted a baby and you almost lost her because I decided to date a man who I knew I didn't have deep feeling for while knowing my deep feelings and love for you," Miranda expressed.

"I put all of our safety in jeopardy, I'm usually a good judge of character so how didn't I know that he was insane. Even though you didn't tell me I over heard nurses talking about how he came in and tried to shot you.... so I could've lost you too," Miranda cried.

"It's okay baby, and it's not your fault that he was crazy. We are still here and our baby is still healthy. We are about to close on a new house so we can start fresh....and yes I felt the same way but we all make decisions that aren't the best sometimes and you don't get to know the outcomes or what is really going on in a person's mind. But we are still here so we will cherish every moment and in 3 more months we will get to enjoy and love on our baby," Ben told her as he kissed her.

"And at least we still have her clothes, we were so busy trying to get in the house to have sex that we never brought the bags in the house. Want to get up and go through her clothes?" Ben asked.

"Yes please, that would make me feel so much better," Miranda said sitting up as Ben got up to grab the bags of baby clothes they bought.

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