Ch 22

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*WHEW! One more chapter for this story and then this one will be complete unless I think of something else. Really not sure how to keep it going at this point so I want to end it, I hope you all have enjoyed this story.*

Miranda and Ben stood side by side giving each other flirty looks as they painted their daughters nursery. Once they were done painting Miranda sat in the rocking chair that Ben had just put together as she rubbed her belly and watched Ben put the crib together. Miranda insisted on getting up and putting up the decorations but Ben told her to sit down because her feet were swelling.

Miranda enjoyed watching her husband get things ready for their baby and she felt so in love with him all over again. "Benjamin Warren," Miranda sang and Ben turned around smiling because he knew that what that voice she was using meant. Ben got up and helped Miranda get up from the rocking chair and they went to their bedroom. After making love Miranda and Ben laid there giggling and smiling at each other.

"Mhmm you are so good to me Ben Warren, I love you," Miranda said as she rubbed his cheek.

Ben hungrily kissed her hand, "I love you too Miranda Bailey," Ben replied.

"Want to go for one more round?" Ben asked.

"I do  but my pelvis is hurting some, I think our little girl might but moving into place. And we get Tuck back in an hour so we need to get up and spend time with my big baby so he knows we still love him," Miranda said.

When Tuck finally came home from being with his father he and Miranda sat on the couch watching tv. Ben watched from the kitchen while he made hamburgers and fries which was one of Tuck's favorite meals. Miranda pulled Tuck as close as she could kissing his face, rubbing his nose against hers and rubbing his head.

"Mommm," Tuck whined in protest.

"That's right I am your mom and I can show you as much affection as I want because no matter how old and tall you get you are still my baby," Miranda said getting emotional.

"Mom don't cry I know I'm still your baby. I'm older so I get to be a big help with my little sister. I'm excited and not sad to have her especially since Ben is our dad," Tuck said wiping his mom's face.

"Don't let your dad hear you say that," Miranda giggled.

"I consider Ben to be my dad too, I get to have two dads and that makes me happy," Tuck expressed.

Miranda began to cry more and Ben had been listening to their conversation from the kitchen. He wiped his hands, went over to Tuck and Miranda and kissed them both while wiping Miranda's tears before telling them that dinner was ready.

Miranda walked into Grey Sloan and took a deep breath, she hadn't been to the hospital since her accident because it had become a big part of her anxiety which she hated because she still loved being a surgeon.

She was there to drop off her pre registration paper before she came to give birth. Once she dropped it off she just couldn't contain her desire to go to the surgical floor to see her colleagues and see what was going on. When she got to the floor all the nurses that saw her immediately gasped and ran to greet her.

"Dr. Bailey we miss you so much," they said as they hugged her.

Miranda smiled, "I miss you all too. I really miss working, hopefully after the baby comes I will be up to coming back because I miss it here so much lately," Miranda said.

As she continued to walk around she ran into Richard. "Dr.Webber, hey," Miranda said excitedly.

Dr. Webber turned in surprise knowing that voice anywhere. "Dr. Bailey! What are you doing here?" Dr. Webber asked as she hugged him.

"I just came by to drop my pre-registration off for when it's time for me to give birth to the baby," Miranda said happily as she walked with him.

Miranda noticed that Dr. Webber seemed nervous and antsy. "You okay sir? You seem on edge," Miranda said before turning and looking into one of the patient rooms. Miranda felt paralyzed with fear and wanted to run away but her body wouldn't move. She immediately felt dizzy with anger and rage as she continued to stare into the patient's room.

"Why, why, why is he here?" Miranda asked Dr. Webber.

"Bailey you know I can't tell you information on a patient," Webber said with a sad look on his face.

Miranda continued to stare and saw the IVs in his arm, the hand cuffs and how frail the patient looked. She suddenly felt like she was going to be sick and her feet finally detached from the floor as she hurried to the nearest restroom. She made it just in time to throw up in the first stall. Webber sent Dr. Kepner in to check on her and make sure she was okay.

"Dr. Bailey....are you okay?" April asked softly as she winced hearing Miranda continue to vomit.

Miranda still felt extremely sick but she wanted to get as far way from him as possible so she took some deep breaths, got up and flushed the toilet. Miranda walked out of the stall and looked at April as she fought back tears.

"I'm fine Kepner, thank you," Miranda said sniffling as she rinsed her mouth and wiped her face. She rushed pass April and went back downstairs so that she could go home. Miranda laid in bed staring out of the window when suddenly Ben rushed into their bedroom and paused.

"Did Richard call and talk to you?" Miranda asked already knowing the answer because today was a 24 hour shift for him.

Ben took his shoes off and got in bed behind Miranda and wrapped his arms around her. Miranda took a deep breath as she relaxed in his embrace and began to cry more.

"Talk me through your feelings Miranda," Ben said softly in her ear.

Miranda held onto his arm tightly, "umm I hadn't seen him since the incident since I decided to not attend the trial. And ummm I just felt all the fear and feelings that I felt that night all over again. Richard wouldn't tell me why he was there but I was quickly able to recognize the medications in the IV's so he has some sort of cancer," Miranda shared.

Ben kissed her neck as she talked and confided in him how she was feeling. "Ben I don't think I want to have our daughter at the hospital, I think I'm want to be at home where I feel safe," Miranda said.

"Whatever you want to do baby. We can find a good midwife and doula and set everything up right here in the bedroom," Ben said. Miranda kissed his arm and he held her tight until she fell asleep.

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