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Miranda sat in the OR after surgery feeling dizzy and nauseated. "Oh God not again, I can't be getting the flu again," Miranda said to herself.

The dizziness and nausea subsided and Miranda quickly made her way to her office and called Ben.

"Benn, I think I'm getting the flu again and on Valentine's week," Miranda whined.

"Okay Miranda I'm coming," Ben said.

When Ben got to her office she was sitting at her desk with her head down.

" are you okay? Tell me what's wrong," Ben said walking over to her desk.

"I'm dizzy and nauseated like I was when I had the flu," Miranda cried.

Ben saw the look on her face and quickly grabbed the trashcan just in time for her to throw up in it. When she finished emptying the contents of her stomach into the trashcan he tied it up and then held her as they sat on the couch.

As Miranda laid against Ben's chest and closed her eyes, " Miranda today is the 9th," Ben stated.

"Yeah it's the 9th," she answered confused.

"Your period comes on the's been almost a week and your period hasn't come," Ben said.

"Why do you know when my period comes," Miranda asked.

"Because I am the one that always ended up getting you chocolate and ice cream when the time comes," Ben explained.

"I'm going to go find you a pregnancy test," Ben said getting up.

When Ben came back Miranda went into the bathroom near her office. She used both test that Ben gave her, wrapped them in a paper towel and went back in her office. They sat back down on the couch and waited. When the wait time was up Miranda and Ben looked together, "pregnant," they said in unison.

Miranda fell back on the couch and stared up at the ceiling.

"We're pregnant," Ben said excitedly.

"Miranda....are you okay? You don't seem excited," Ben asked turning to her with a concerned look.

"I'm okay....I'm just shocked. I never thought that I would have another baby. But I'm glad it's with you," Miranda said touching Ben's face.

"Ummm I'm going to page Carina to one of the exam rooms so we can get an ultrasound," Miranda said getting up to call Dr. Deluca.

"Hey Chief and Warren," Carina greeted as she came into the exam room.

"Let's see how many weeks your little flu is," Carina said giggling and putting the cold gel on Miranda's belly.

Ben held her hand as Carina began to move the transducer on her belly.

"There your sweet little baby is, he or she is about 6 weeks old," Carina informed.

Ben kissed Miranda's forehead while she just kept staring at the ultrasound screen amazed. Then she turned and looked at Ben with a scrunched face, " the first time we make love and you go and get me pregnant," Miranda fussed.

"Hey! Neither one of us was thinking about protection," Ben retorted.

"Pregnant at 41.... well if it had to happen I'm glad it's with you," Miranda replied.

"Me too....and we're getting married," Ben said smiling.

Ben stood in the gazebo decorated in flowers, thankful that they choose this date. It was March 17th, the day he walked over to her car to check on her. And it was an early spring day as the wind blew lightly. Ben looked out at their friends and family members and smiled as the music began to play and everyone stood up.

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