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The next morning Ben woke up with Miranda's leg wrapped around his waist, her face in his chest. Ben carefully laid her beside him before getting up to pee, brush his teeth and wash his face.

When he came out of the bathroom Miranda was sitting up with a pouting facial expression.

"What's wrong Miranda," Ben said as he sat down in front of her.

"I woke up and you weren't beside me....I don't know why that makes me feel so emotional," Miranda said as she started to cry.

"It's okay, we are married now and I will always be by your side," Ben explained as he kissed her.

Miranda kissed him back hungrily as she pulled him on top of her. She tried to grab his manhood but he stopped her and pulled her on top of him until she was straddling his face.

"I didn't get to taste you last night," Ben said in a slight whisper.

Miranda gasped as her husband licked between her folds and sucked her clit. She threw her head back and rub his head as he pleasured her.

"Omg my clit is so sensitive, Ben I'm about to cum already," Miranda informed him.

Ben began to thrust his tongue into her as he rubbed her clit and Miranda came in his mouth. She fell back onto the bed breathing heavy, Ben got up, laid beside her  and kissed her.

"Want to ride down to the beach or we could go shopping and maybe find stuff for the baby?" Ben asked in a suggestive voice.

Ben and Miranda got up, showered and got dressed then rode down to Venice Beach.
As Miranda stood at the shore just looking out at the ocean, Ben stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I think the baby is a girl," Miranda stated.

"Well if the baby is a girl can we name her Danielle so that I can call her Dani?" Ben asked.

"I've just always wanted to be able to name my daughter Dani," Ben expressed.

"Danielle....I like that name," Miranda replied smiling.

Ben and Miranda's honeymoon came to an end and they were back at home. Ben sat in the living room with Miranda's feet in his lap talking. He still couldn't decide if he wanted to rent his house out or sale it.

"Well do we have to decide right now when you're supposed to be giving me a foot massage," Miranda whined as she rubbed her little belly bump.

Ben chuckled and shook his head as he started rubbing her feet again.

"What if we sold this house and just got a new house all together before the baby comes and then you can just rent your house out and that will be an extra income," Miranda suggested.

"Well if you just needed me to rub your feet so that you could come up with a great idea, that's all you had to say," Ben said smiling.

"Plus we only have 3 bedrooms here and I'd like to have a guest room for when my parents come to visit," Miranda said.

"Okay I will start looking for a new house and you just worry about growing our baby and being chief," Ben said.

Miranda smiled and nodded her head in approval of his statement.

Miranda stood at the OR board and saw that she had surgery with Dr. Langston and she sighed deeply.

For the most part they hadn't had any contact other than in passing and him glancing and winking at her or giving her a stern look.

She scrubbed and walked slowly into the OR where Dr. Langston was already waiting. Once she stepped up on the step stool she prayed.

"Ten blade," she said.

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