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It had been two months and fall was starting to arrive. Ben and Miranda basically went to only texting and talking on the phone or in the morning and evenings when they could. Miranda stood in front of her kitchen window watching Ben and Tuck rake leaves into a pile in the yard.

She hated that she suggested that they not be around each other has much. Could they make being best friends and lovers work? Miranda asked herself this question often but honestly she was scared. She was scared to let herself be vulnerable the way she had been vulnerable in her marriage before. She thought about marriage with Ben....they already operated like a family.

They knew that they loved each other and Tuck adored Ben like a second father. Miranda felt completely safe and free to be herself with Ben, he felt like her soulmate. But she wasn't sure that they should do anything to change what they have now.

Miranda walked outside and sat on the porch swing as she continued to watch them clean the yard and rake the leaves. Ben looked in her direction and waved and she smiled and gave him a wave back.

Miranda sat at work texting Ben about maybe going fall decor shopping with her when she looked up and saw Dr. Anthony Langston. He was the new general surgery attending that she hired and not only was he incredibly talented, he was also incredibly handsome. He was a few years older than her which showed in his salt and pepper beard but with his smooth chocolate complexion and his muscular build, he was fine none the less. He had made it a habit of eating lunch with her and she felt herself starting to like him.

"Chief Bailey, you are looking gorgeous as always, how are you today?" Dr. Langston asked as he sat down.

Miranda blushed, "I'm doing well Dr.Langston thank you for the compliment," she replied.

"Can I talk to you on a personal level for a moment?" Dr. Langston asked.

"Okay, what is it," Miranda replied.

"Before I even came to Seattle I've admired you and your work. Now having the opportunity to be around you and get to know you professionally, I would love if you would give me the chance to take you out to dinner and get to know you on a personal level," Dr. Langston expressed.

"Well Dr. Langston," Miranda said looking down.

"You can call me Anthony," he interjected and touching her hand.

"Anthony....let me think about it and I will get back to you," Miranda replied.

"Okay, well you have my number when you feel ready," Anthony said as he got up and walked away.

Miranda stood in the bathroom of her office, checking to make sure she looked fine. Tuck was staying with his dad this weekend and this was her fifth date with Anthony and he was proving to be a pretty nice guy. They had chemistry and the sexual attraction was definitely there.

She hadn't let him pick her up from her home yet because she didn't want Ben to see her with him. He had already seen her come home dressed in a tight fitting dress the other night and he was short with her in their conversations following that.

Miranda walked to her car and put the address of the restaurant that Anthony had picked out in the gps. When she arrived the valet took her car and Anthony was standing by the door waiting for her. He kissed her cheek and opened the door to let her in first.

"Mmmmm Chief Bailey you are a fine piece of woman," Anthony said as he watched her follow the hostess to their table.

They ate dinner and talked about their life and what made them choose the career paths they did. Miranda shared how she was a nerd in high school and Anthony was the complete opposite but was cool with the nerds because he was smart and still found the things they liked to do cool.

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