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It was October and had been a month since Miranda and Anthony started dating. Miranda enjoyed his company and the sex was okay and enough to make her want it but she constantly felt like something was missing and she knew what it was....the connection she felt with Ben. But they hadn't been talking much and she didn't know what to say.

Ben was still very angry with her but he still did all the things he was doing before. Today was the day that Anthony would meet Tuck and she just hoped and prayed that Tuck would like him. He wasn't fond of her telling him that she was dating someone. And he kept asking why her and Ben hadn't been talking or hanging out as much.

Ben walked into her back door to come take the trash out and Miranda smiled. It was the first time she'd seen him all week and she missed him.

"Hey Ben," Miranda said enthusiastically walking over to him and touching his arm.

"Hey Miranda," Ben said blankly.

Miranda huffed and exploded, "If you are so upset with me about dating Anthony then why do you keep coming around and doing all the things you normally do and still hanging out with my son? You are supposed to be my best friend and now that I'm dating someone you're being mean," Miranda whined.

"I do it because I said I would and because I love you, I love Tuck and he loves me too. And that maybe true but right now I can't deal with the thought of you being with another man. Can you really say that you don't feel the connection and love we have aside from being friends?" Ben asked.

Miranda paused and just looked at him. "That's because you feel it too but won't admit it and I don't understand how a woman like you can't see how it would work with us. And I know it would work with us because even though I'm so completely angry and frustrated with you Miranda, I still love you and am willing to do anything for you. Like coming in and taking out your trash out when you supposedly have a man now," Ben said as he stormed out of her back door.

Miranda fought back tears as she cooked dinner and got ready for Anthony to arrive. Tuck came downstairs and set the table and just watched as Miranda put all the food in serving plates and bowls.

"Mom when will your guy friend be here again," Tuck asked.

"In about 30 minutes," Miranda answered.

"Do you mind if I go over to Ben's I will be back before he arrives," Tuck said.

Tuck rushed out the door and over to Ben's house. He knocked hard and Ben opened the door and hugged him when he answered.

"Hey Tuck, I thought you were about to have dinner with your mom and her friend," Ben said.

"Yeah we are so I told her I would be back in time," Tuck said slowly.

"Well what's up," Ben said sitting at his dining room table.

"I'm not excited about meeting this guy and I don't understand why the guy mom dates can't be you. I know I'm just a kid but I think you and mom would be perfect together," Tuck confided.

"I know Tuck, I know but your mom doesn't feel the same right now," Ben answered.

"Well I'm going to go before mom comes to get me.And she is making your favorite so I will have her save you a plate," Tuck said standing up and heading out the door.

Ben smiled hard thinking about the fact that even Tuck felt that him and Miranda should be together, he just wished that she could see that.

As Miranda, Tuck and Anthony ate dinner it was quiet if her and Anthony weren't talking. Anthony didn't have much to say to Tuck and Tuck wasn't his usual inquisitive self.

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