Ch 14

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Miranda decided to take some time off and asked Dr. Webber to be interim chief while she was gone. Even though she was informed that Dr.Langston turned in his resignation after Ben put that restraining order out against him, she still didn't feel safe going to the hospital.

She also couldn't stop think about what he'd said and he was right she thought. If she wouldn't have been afraid about being with Ben, she and Ben would've already been together and she wouldn't have agreed to date him knowing he wasn't right for her.

And she wouldn't be in the situation worrying about her safety....this was all her fault. She sat on the couch and cried until she fell asleep.

Three weeks later....

It was 6am and Miranda was awakened to Ben kissing her lips and she grabbed his face and began to kiss him back. Because she hadn't been feeling her best they hadn't had sex in awhile but him kissing her immediately turned her on and she pulled him closer.

"Hmmm Miranda today is a big day my love. We go to look at some houses and we get to see if our baby is a baby girl," Ben said excitedly.

"So let's get up and get moving because we have to get Tuck to school first," Ben said getting up off the bed having already showered and gotten dressed.

Miranda groaned loudly as she stretched and the baby kicked. "Hey sweet girl, I already know your a girl. I've got my sweet boy which is your brother and now you're my sweet girl," Miranda said talking to the baby.

"Let's go get in the shower so daddy can take your brother to school and we can go see which house will be the new home you grow up in," Miranda said as she walked into the bathroom.

Miranda showered quickly, got out and began lotioning her body. She decided to wear a graphic t shirt that said Los Angeles on it that Ben bought her on their honeymoon, and some jeans with jeweled sandals.

When Miranda walked down the hall into the living room she smelled food. When she turned the corner her husband and son were sitting at the island talking and eating breakfast.

"Y'all started eating breakfast without me," Miranda complained as she kissed her son and pushed Ben in the arm then sat down beside him.

"Yes because it was taking you awhile and we were hungry but I fixed your plate," Ben replied sliding the plate in front of her.

After they finished eating their breakfast they climbed into Ben's truck and took Tuck to school.

"Okay my sweet boy, have a great day at school and we'll see you later," Miranda said to her son.

"See you later mom, bye Ben,"  Tuck said as he got out of the truck and walked up to his friends and walked into the school.

After they dropped Tucker off, Ben drove them to the first house where the realtor was waiting. As Ben helped Miranda out of the truck they looked around at the spacious front yard with trees everywhere and the wrap around front porch.

"Ben I love it already," Miranda said as she held his hand.

The realtor greeted them, "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Warren, I am Kim. Are y'all excited to see the first house? I think this one will be the one," the Kim exclaimed.

Ben held Miranda's hand as they entered the house and immediately Miranda agreed with the realtor.

"This is an open floor plan so you can see all the way through the house from the kitchen to the living room. It is a 5 bedroom house including a basement that the previous owners remodeled into an entertainment/ family room," she explained as they walked through the house.

"Down this hallway is master bedroom," kim said as  she opened the double doors. The room had high ceilings like the rest of the house and a large ceiling fan, lots of space and big windows allowing lots of light to flow in.

Miranda gasped at how big and beautiful the room was and all she could imagine was the way she and Ben would be making love in the king size bed they would put in the room.

As the realtor opened the bathroom door Miranda beamed at the large garden tub, with his and her sinks and a walk in shower.  Ben just smiled at how happy and excited Miranda was.

It also had a huge walk in closet. "Omg I can put so many clothes and shoes in here," Miranda squealed with excitement.

"Okay love birds let's go to the backyard," Kim said.

They walked back through the kitchen to more double doors that lead to the back yard. They stepped out onto a large patio and awed at the large backyard and Miranda began to rattle off all the things she wanted to do with it.

Once the realtor was done showing them the house they walked back to the front of the house and outside on the front porch.

"So are you ready to go see the next house?" Kim asked.

Miranda turned and looked at her husband, "Ben I love this one, I really don't want to look at any others," Miranda expressed.

"I figured you would love this one that's why I asked if we could see it first," Ben said smiling.

"No Kim we would like to make an offer on this one," Ben said firmly.

"Well alright then, I will go back to the office, draw up the paper work and contact the sellers," Kim said enthusiastically.

They shook hands with Kim and got back in the truck.

"Are you ready to go find out the sex of the baby," Ben said softly as he kissed Miranda's hand.

"Even though I already know it's a girl....yes I'm ready," Miranda replied.

Ben helped Miranda get on the exam table while they waited for Dr. Deluca to come in.

"Good morning Chief, I wasn't expecting you this soon but since I had sometime I'm glad you came in early," Carina said.

"Yeah we were looking at houses but we loved the first one and decided to cut the house showing short," Ben said as he played with Miranda's hair.

"Well that's good I hope you get the house," Carina replied smiling.

"Thank you," husband and wife said in unison.

"Well let's see if we can see what the sex of your baby is," Carina exclaimed.

"Miranda thinks that the baby is a girl," Ben said.

Just as Dr. Deluca rubbed the transducer across Miranda's belly, "and Chief your would be right, it is a baby girl," Carina said smiling at them.

"I knew you were a girl," Miranda cooed at her belly and Ben kissed her forehead as he became teary eyed.

"Ben can we go shopping when we leave here?" Miranda asked as she wiped the gel off of her belly.

"Absolutely we can," Ben said grinning as he helped her off the exam table.

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