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Two months later.

Ben and Miranda had really become great neighbors and friends. Ben cut her grass every other week and she made sure to feed him when he did.

He also not only made sure that her trashcan was at the driveway for trash day but they had a designated day that he would come in her back door and take the trash out for her. And she made sure to feed him dinner or have his favorite snack on hand.

They had breakfast and dinner together twice a week and Ben would tell her about how his day at work went. She really hated the stories where he actually ran into the fires instead of just doing PRT. It made her heart race thinking about him getting hurt.

Tuck had really become attached to Ben because sometimes without even asking he would come home, greet her and then head over to Ben's if he was home. And if he wasn't he would just shoot hoops in his driveway.
Sometimes when Ben was too tired to play with Tuck they would just sit on the new swing he installed on his porch and talk.

It was a late spring evening and the sun was just setting. Miranda pulled into her driveway and Ben was outside shooting hoops. Miranda got out and walked over to him, it had been a long and busy week and she hadn't really seen much of him except for the usual routine they had developed of him taking her trash out.

"Hey Ben," Miranda said trying not startled him because he seemed zoned out.

"Oh hey Miranda," Ben said with fake enthusiasm.

They had only known each other for a short while and already Miranda could tell when something was up.

"What's wrong Ben," Miranda asked sincerely.

"Nothings wrong Miranda," Ben replied as he continued to make lay ups.

When Ben finally missed one, Miranda moved quickly to grab the ball so that Ben couldn't continue to play. Ben huffed and looked at her sternly as to tell her to give the ball back. She looked at him just as sternly as she held onto the ball and placed her hand on her hip.

"I don't feel like talking about it right now Miranda," Ben said turning and heading into his house.

Miranda moved quickly again and got in front of him so he couldn't walk away from her and just stared him down.

"You don't have to talk but I can't have you acting like this. You will have me up for the rest of the night worrying about your mental state so let's go do something. Have you eaten? let's go get something to eat," Miranda commanded more than suggested.

Miranda threw the ball on the porch and grabbed Ben's hand as she lead him to her car. But Ben being gentleman he is made her walk on her side so that he could open the door for her. Miranda drove them to a burger restaurant and Ben jumped out to open her door once more.

"They walked inside and sat at the bar and the waiter took their drink and burger order. Miranda looked at the sad look on Ben's face and the way that he kept clenching his jaw. She rubbed his back hoping to relax her friend and he just gave her a slight smile.

By this time she had come up with plenty of scenarios but still the same scenario for why Ben was so sad.

They sat and ate their food in silence and once they were done Miranda reached in her purse to pay for the food and Ben looked at her like she was absolutely crazy. He grabbed her hand to stop her from handing her card to the waiter.

"Miranda you are not pay for this food, I am," Ben said sternly as he reached for his wallet.

"Ben I dragged you out to get food so why would I have you pay for it," Miranda questioned in a tone just as stern.

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