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Miranda laid against Ben's chest as he sat up against the head board. Ben kissed her face and neck as he rubbed her big belly trying to soothe her with each contraction. Toni came out of their bathroom and placed a cool wash cloth on her sport bra covered breast and Ben took it and wiped her forehead and neck as well.

Miranda was quiet and only made a sound when a contraction hit. "Uuuuhhhhh," Miranda groaned as she squeezed Ben hand.

"You got this Miranda, you're doing good my love," Ben encouraged her.

"Miranda would you like to get into a different position," Toni asked as she firmly massaged legs.

"No, I prefer laying against my husband," Miranda said dropping her head back against Ben's chest.

Janessa put on some gloves, got on the bed and examined Miranda. Miranda winced as Janessa examined her and Ben kissed her neck and wiped the sweat off of her forehead.

"Miranda you're seven almost eight centimeters dilated, so we're not too far from pushing."

Miranda gave a fake smile while Ben was beaming with joy knowing that their daughter was almost here. Ben was massaging Miranda's body, whispering in her ear and giving her kisses when Toni suggested that she take over and let Ben get up and take a break.

"Hey Miranda, I'm going to have Ben get up so he can stretch and maybe use the restroom, okay," she said softly.

"No, no I need my husband," Miranda said as she started to cry.

"I promise only for a few minutes to use the restroom my love," Ben whispered in her ear as Miranda sniffled and nodded her head.

Ben moved from behind Miranda and Toni got in his place. Ben stood in their bathroom and stretched before using the toilet. Ben contemplated leaving the room to go to the kitchen but he felt him walking out might bother Miranda, especially with the emotional state she was in. Just as he was walking out of the bathroom Miranda screamed out in pain.

"AHHHHHHH," Miranda cried out in pain.

"That was the worse one yet. Benn," Miranda said as she cried.

"I'm right here baby," Ben said bending down next to the bed.

"Toni do you mind going and getting some water for me and crushed ice for Miranda," Ben asked.

"Ben if you would like I can stay so you can walk around the house. We're here to make sure that you're taken care of too," Toni said.

"Are you okay with that Miranda? I'm just going to the kitchen for a few minutes," Ben said to reassure Miranda. She nodded her head and he kissed her lips gently.

Ben stood in the kitchen eating a sandwich and some chips. He groaned as he ate because he hadn't eaten any food since yesterday so he could only imagine how hungry Miranda was. Just as he finished his sandwich and considered a dessert—

"Bennn," Miranda yelled. Ben grabbed a cup and got some crushed ice before hurrying back to the bedroom.

"I'm back my love," Ben said as kissing her lips again.

"Hmmm you ate food," Miranda said licking her lips.

She pulled Ben back to her and kissed his lips, sticking her tongue into his mouth. "Hmmm Miranda," Ben protested.

"I'm hungry Ben and you ate a sandwich and chips." Miranda scolded with her tone of voice.

"I promise that as soon as our little girl comes out I'm ordering you whatever you want."

"I want Chinese, bagel chips and donuts." Miranda said sounding like she could taste it already.

Ben got back in the position he was in and Miranda relaxed in his arms even though she was in pain. The doorbell rung and Miranda looked back at Ben.

"It's probably your parents Miranda," Ben said.

Toni answered the door and let her parents in. Elena stood at the bedroom door and began to get teary eyed while William stood out in the hallway.

"My baby is giving me another grand baby and it's a girl this time," Elena said wiping her tears.

"Where is Tuck?" they asked.

"We sent him with his dad this morning until the baby comes," Miranda said.

"Oh God another one, AHHHHHH," Miranda screamed as she gripped Ben's arm.

Janessa checked her cervix again, "oh wow Miranda you are almost at ten centimeters, that was fast."

"We're getting ready to push," Ben said excited.

"I'm not ready, I haven't done this in several years," Miranda whined.

"You are an amazing woman Miranda Bailey and you can do anything," Ben spoke into her ear.

When it was finally time to push Toni and Elena each held Miranda's leg as she began to push. After several minutes Miranda felt completely exhausted and like she would pass out.

"This is too much. Why does this have to be so hard and exhausting?" Miranda cried.

"Mandy it's going to be worth it once that baby girl is in your arms," Elena said.

"Miranda I can feel her head so just a few more pushes," Janessa instructed.

Miranda put her chin to her chest and began to push. "UHHHHHH AAAAAAHHHH!"

"Okay her head is out, give me another big push," Janessa told Miranda.

Miranda pushed with all her might and instantly felt some relief when the baby slid out and began to cry. Ben kissed her cheek and neck over and over while they watched Janessa clean the baby off some and then placed her on Miranda's chest.

"She's here." Miranda said as tears streamed down her face.

"What's the baby girl's name," Toni asked.

"Nina Alana Warren," Ben and Miranda said together. Ben smiled and stared at his little girl laying on her momma's chest and he was instantly in love.

"Mom can you order Miranda some Chinese food, chicken soup with bagel chips. And see if dad would be willing to go get her favorite donuts," Ben asked.

Ben continued to hold Miranda as she held their baby and attempted to breast feed her. When Miranda's food came it was finally Ben's turn to hold their baby while Elena feed Miranda because she was her baby. When the end of the day came Ben and Miranda laid in bed completely in awe of the life that they created.

"Can you believe that this all started from me startling you when you fell asleep in your car. Now we're married with a son and we made a little girl," Ben said smiling as he stroked Nina's curly hair with one finger.

"I put us through a lot within these past two years though," Miranda expressed.

"We have already worked through that Miranda so don't keep holding onto any of that. I love you and am excited about our life together....that's all that matters now," Ben expressed as spoke against her lips.

"Ben Warren this baby is fresh out of my womb and my vagina hurts," Miranda said giggling.

"Thank you for being my best friend, person," Miranda whispered.

"I love you," Ben replied.

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