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Miranda and Ben made their way to target and Miranda grinned like a hyena the whole time on their way there. Ben helped her out of the truck and she began walking fast to the front doors leaving Ben behind.

"Miranda wait for me please," Ben scolded as he laughed at how fast his wife was moving.

Ben jogged to catch up with her and grabbed her hand to slow her down. "I can't slow down Ben I'm so excited. I've always wanted to shop for a girl and now I have one to shop for. Look at all the cute girl clothes," Miranda exclaimed as they approached the baby section.

Miranda quickly picked up a onesie that said "Daddy's girl, Mommy's world", on it and she became tear eyed.

"Oh I forgot, Ben can you go back and get a shopping cart please?" Miranda asked as she wiped her tears away.

"Okay baby," Ben said as he kissed her cheek and went to get the cart. When he came back they started picking out clothes but Miranda was even picking out clothes that the baby wouldn't fit until she was two or three years old.

"Miranda do we really need to buy that now?" Ben questioned as he raised his eyebrows.

"Ben these clothes are too cute to pass up. At least she will already have clothes once she gets to that age," Miranda reasoned as she continued to throw things in the cart.

The couple opted to wait on shopping for the big items and just checked out. As the cashier rung up all the items she just smiled and glanced at Ben and Miranda.

"Are you two excited for your baby to get here," the young girl asked.

"We are very excited, we just found out today and my wife immediately said let's go shopping," Ben told the cashier as he rubbed Miranda's lower back.

Miranda let out a slight gasp at the feeling of Ben rubbing her lower back and felt wetness begin to form in her panties.

Miranda smiled at the cashier, "I always wanted a girl so that I could do all the girly things with her so I'm very excited," Miranda said as she leaned up against Ben.

"Well congratulations," the cashier said as she took their payment.

Once they got to the truck and put all the bags in, Ben helped Miranda get in and before closing the door she pulled him close and placed soft open mouth kisses on his lips. Ben wrapped his arms around her waist and moaned at the feeling of her kissing him.

Then she stopped, looked in his face for a moment and just rubbed his cheeks before turning her legs in to close the door. Ben got in the truck and began driving, "where to next my love?" he asked.

"Home," Miranda replied.

Ben looked over at her a little concerned, "you don't want to continue shopping? You feeling tired?" Ben asked as he touched her thigh.

"No I'm not tired right now, we have a few hours before Tuck comes home from school and I want you so badly right now Ben Warren," Miranda told him in a sexy tone.

Ben cleared his throat and shifted in his seat feeling himself getting aroused. "Yeah, we can definitely go home and do some not talking," Ben said in a seductive tone as he sped up.

"Well let's go enjoy each other while we have the chance. But slow down so we can actually get that chance Ben," Miranda said giggling and Ben laughed as well.

They quickly made it home and Ben jumped out and rushed to open the car door for Miranda. Once they got in the house, Ben closed the door and grabbed Miranda.

He held her by her belly bump and started kissing and sucking on her neck causing her to moan.

As Ben continued to kiss and suck on her neck Miranda walked them to the bedroom and she slipped off her sandals and unbuttoned her jeans. Ben turned her around and kissed her lips then traced the slit of her lips with his tongue until Miranda allowed him permission to kiss her with tongue and she did the same.

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