Ch. 21

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Miranda felt bad that she had been shutting Ben out. Here she was again doing things irrationally and not considering his feelings and she needed to do something to apologize for how she'd been acting.

Ben decided it was time to go home and at least check on Miranda after Miller suggested that he go home. He hadn't been home in three days because he just couldn't take being shut out. Thinking about it just made him mad but she was carrying their baby so he needed to go make sure she was okay for the sake of their daughter.

Ben stepped in the house and smelled food and heard music playing. He walked into the kitchen and Miranda was cooking and humming to the music.

"Miranda," Ben said dryly as he looked at the food, and candles.

Miranda turned and smiled shyly, "Hi....I'm cooking your favorite, well one of your favorites," Miranda said.

"I haven't been home for the past three days so how'd you know I was coming home?" Ben asked.

"Hmmm well seeing as you haven't been home I figured you were probably mad with me and needed a break. But I did call Miller and asked if he could suggest that you come home," Miranda said kinda off holding her head down and looking up at him.
"And I've kinda done this every night sense my therapy session with Dr. Hall at Grey Sloan," Miranda told him.

Ben's jaw clenched a little but quickly faded. He wished he didn't need a break and that she had just called him and told him to come home.

Miranda walked around the kitchen island towards Ben about to speak when Ben gasped in surprise. "She grew!" Ben exclaimed reaching for Miranda's belly.

Seeing him excited about their daughter made her smile, "Yeah we're almost in month eight so she will be here in no time, we should probably figure out the theme of her room and start getting things setup," Miranda said.

"We can work on that for the rest of the week," Ben replied as he continued to rub her belly.

Ben and Miranda stared at each other for a moment before Ben leaned in and kissed her lips softly then her forehead. Miranda wiped her tear quickly then smiled, "hmm I ran a bubble bath for you to get in while I finish cooking so you should go get in it while it's at least warm," Miranda told him.

Ben went into the bedroom and there were rose petals all over their bed. Miranda had his robe laid out and it smelled like it was freshly washed and their was an envelope beside it. He open the envelope and there were tickets to the finals game of his favorite basketball team.

Ben smiled big as he walked to the bathroom, got in the bathtub and ran a little more water to make it hot again. Ben relaxed in the bathtub for about 30 minutes then he got out and put the boxers and robe on before walking back into the kitchen. Miranda was plating the food and Ben wrapped his arms around her as she did so.

"Thank you for my amazing gift," Ben said kissing her neck.

Miranda closed her eyes as Ben kissed her neck and leaned against his chest, "I've missed you and I'm sorry. It was my way of saying sorry for shutting you out. You are my biggest supporter and I shouldn't have done that, I just didn't want to hurt you again or burden you with what I caused," Miranda explained.

"We are married and I am in this, your burdens are my burdens I'm not afraid to carry them with you," Ben said placing his forehead against hers.

After dinner Miranda made Ben lay down on the bed and she poured oil on his back and began giving him a massage.

"This is much harder to do with a belly in the way," Miranda stated with a giggle.

"Well you're getting it done my love because it feels amazing," Ben said in a groan as he closed his eyes.

Ben fell asleep and when he woke up he was under the covers and Miranda was asleep on her back beside him. He smiled because it was the first time in over a week that they slept in the same bed. Ben scooted closer to Miranda watching her chest rise and fall from her breathing. Ben loved every part of Miranda's body but pregnancy made her breast look even fuller. Just thinking about her body was making him feel aroused because it had been awhile since they'd been intimate.

Ben gently kissed up her shoulder and down the tops of her breast. "Miranda," Ben whisper a few times as he continued to place kisses on her breast. Miranda's eyes fluttered open and she touched Ben face softly before pulling him in for a kiss. Miranda moaned as Ben pushed his tongue into her mouth deepening their kiss. Ben was hard against Miranda's thigh and she knew because she reached into his boxers and grabbed his manhood. 

They kissed softly but hungrily as they just pleasures each other with their hands. Miranda stroked his penis firm but slowly and he fingered her with two of his thick fingers and rubbed her clit with his thumb. After quickly making each other climax, Ben got behind Miranda and inserting himself in her wet warmth and they moaned in unison. They made love slowly for an hour and then laid there smiling and staring at each other.

"I missed you," Miranda said softly putting her hand on top of Ben's as he rubbed her belly.

"I missed you too my love," Ben replied.

"I didn't realize how long it had been until you were inside of me. We can't go without for that long ever again," Miranda said desperately.

"Well you have to wait a few weeks after our girl gets here," Ben said.

"Well we need to make up for loss time before she gets here," Miranda said seriously. Ben laughed and then kissed her.

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