Ch 19

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The past few days Ben and Miranda had been going shopping with her parents and Tuck so that they would have things for the new house and they would be able to have furniture in on the same day. Once they went and closed on the house, the family drove up to their new home and everyone was in awe of how beautiful it looked with the big front yard, big trees and a huge front porch.

"This is beautiful," William beamed as he opened the door for his wife.

Ben helped Miranda out of the truck and Tuck quickly ran towards the house and onto the front porch smiling. They entered the house and waited for the moving truck to come and when it did they worked hard to get the house in order as much as they could.

Miranda took her time unpacking what she could for each room but moving around was becoming much harder. She didn't understand why she was struggling so much with this pregnancy in its third trimester than when she was pregnant with Tuck.

A week later Ben walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water after going for a run. He slowly walked down the hallway to their bedroom when he heard Miranda scream. He dropped his water bottle and quickly ran into the room. Ben realized that Miranda was asleep but was having a nightmare.

"Miranda, baby, baby wake up," Ben yelled as he held her shoulders trying to shake her awake.

Miranda was fighting him in her sleep and he was trying to hold her down without hurting her. She swung her arm and hit him the face bruising his cheek and causing his mouth to bleed. He finally got behind her, wrapped his arms around her and held her and continued to call out to her until she stopped fighting.

Miranda stood in the darkness of her bedroom and all she could feel was fear as a banging on her bedroom door started.

"Miranda you can't hide from me," she heard a voice say on the other side of the door and quickly recognized it as Anthony's voice.

Tears began to stream down her face, "please....I'm sorry but leave me alone," she yelled.

The banging on the door got louder and louder until Miranda couldn't take it and she hid under the bed and covered her ears. Suddenly the banging stopped and Miranda stayed still for a moment before getting from under the bed. She stood up and turned to find her phone to call 911 when Anthony was standing in front of her. Just as she screamed Anthony grabbed her, threw her on the bed and got on top of her.

"YOU REALLY THINK THAT YOU CAN ESCAPE ME?" Anthony yelled in her face.

"You are mine and if I can't have you he doesn't get to have you," Anthony said as he began to tear at her clothes and she tired to fight back.

Miranda woke up abruptly feeling arms around her but she felt safe and relaxed in his arms because she could smell her husband. She stayed still but then burst into tears and Ben just kissed her shoulder as her continued to hold her.

"It's okay Miranda, I'm here," Ben spoke softly as he began to rub her belly.

"Hmmm she moves a lot when she knows you're close," Miranda said.

"She's a daddy's girl already," Ben replied.

Miranda slowly turned over and gasped looking at Ben's face. "Ben what happened to your face?" Miranda yelled seeing his lip bleeding a little and his cheek was red and bruised.

"Hmmm I was trying to wake up from your nightmare and you swung and hit me in the face," Ben told her hesitantly.

Miranda began to cry and she sat up and got off the bed. "Miranda baby where are you going?" Ben asked.

He followed her to the kitchen and she grabbed their first aid kit and some ice. "Sit down please?" Miranda said softly because she was still crying and choked up.

Ben sat down on the bar stool and she began cleaning his face before wrapping the bag of ice in a cloth and placing it to his face to keep it from swelling. Miranda was quiet for the rest of the day and stayed in the nursery going through the baby clothes.

Ben fell asleep and when he woke up Miranda wasn't in bed with him. He got up to go look for her and found her sleeping on the couch in the living room.

"Miranda baby wake up and come to bed," Ben said touching her shoulder.

"Hmmm Ben I—I'm just going to sleep out here or maybe in the guest room from now on," Miranda said sleepy as she stood up.

Ben wrapped his arms around her from behind, "Miranda it's okay, it was a bad dream and you didn't know. But baby I can't sleep without you beside me."

Miranda removed herself from his arms and turned to him. No Ben I can't do that to you again especially if I might have the bad dreams again," Miranda said as she touched Ben's face and tears started to form.

"Until I can get help and stop the dreams it's just best that we sleep in separate rooms," Miranda told Ben as she walked away into the guest bedroom.

Ben sighed deeply as he ran his hand over his head and walked back to their bedroom pausing before entering and closing the door.

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