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Miranda walked down the hallway at work heading out to go pick Tuck up from school. She had to do it all week because Tucker was out of town. Just as she was about to change out of her scrubs, she was paged to the ER. Miranda looked at the time and she really needed to be in the pick up line in 45 minutes.

Miranda answered the page and was being asked so do emergency surgery on a patient with a ruptured spleen.

"Gosh, who can I call to pick up my son?" Miranda questioned herself as she became frustrated.

She quickly remembered the conversation she had with Ben the night before as they sat on her deck star gazing and drinking their favorite wine. He told her he was off the next day and planned to just lay around the house. Miranda quickly called Ben hoping he wasn't asleep.

"Hey Miranda!" Ben answered cheerfully.

"Hey Ben I need a favor, I was on my way to pick up Tuck but I have an emergency surgery that I have to go into and Tucker is out of town. Do you mind picking him up for me?" Miranda asked in a pleading tone.

"Sure Miranda, I'd do anything for you. Plus I've been wanting to hang out with Tuck, we can make it a guys afternoon," Ben stated.

"OMG! I love you so much, you are the best. I'm going to text Tuck and tell him to look for you when he comes out and I will give him your number so he can text you. And I will let you know when I'm able to finally come home," Miranda said.

"It's no problem, I love you too Miranda," Ben replied softly.

"Okay bye."

Ben jumped up, got dressed and headed to Tuck's school. He knew where to go because he rode by it all the time. Ben pulled up to the school and waited in the carpool line. The school bell rang and quickly kids began spilling out of the doors. Ben spotted Tuck and began to wave to get his attention. Tuck saw him and ran up to him and they gave each other high fives then got in the car.

"How was your day at school Tuck," Ben asked as he drove.

"It was good....hmmm Ben can I talk to you about something?" Tuck asked nervously.

"Sure Tuck, you can talk to me about anything. I will do my best to answer you to the best of my ability," Ben said.

"So there is this girl and I like her. How do I ask her to be my friend so that we can be the way you and mom are?" Tuck inquired.

Ben cleared his thought, "hmmm well me and your mom became good friends because I was nice to her and always talked to her," Ben replied.

"Well I want to be her friend but I want to be more than friends....I eventually want us to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Do you think that will happen with you and mom? She is always so happy and relaxed when y'all are together," Tuck replied.

Ben rubbed the back of his neck, "hmmm, I don't know Tuck. What makes you think that we would end up together?" Ben asked.

"I don't know, you just seem like more than friends even though you're just friends," Tuck said softly.

"I don't know all of that Tuck but your mom is my best friend and if someday it's meant to be it will be," Ben stated.

Miranda ended up having to assist on two more emergency surgeries and didn't leave the hospital until 9:00pm. As she headed out she text Ben that she was on the way home. When she got to the house, she unlocked the door and was about to speak when she saw Ben and Tuck asleep on the couch.

Miranda put her things down on the foyer table and walked to her bedroom. She quickly showered the day off of her and changed into a night gown. When she came back out Tuck was no longer in the living room.

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