Ch 10

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It was Saturday and Ben was going back to work on Monday so Miranda was going to use this weekend for the three of them to bond and finally decorate the house for Christmas. Miranda looked at Ben still sleeping and she kissed his cheek before getting up and checking on her son who was also still asleep.

Miranda showered, got dressed and went out to the store. She went to Target, Ross and a few other stores to find decorations. Then to the grocery store to make a huge breakfast for the three of them.

Miranda got back to the house and tried to hurry and get all the bags in the house before Ben got up and tried to stop her and do it himself. She slowly turned the key then quickly inched her way in, dropping bags in the living room.

She went back to the car and got the last bags up the steps when she looked up to see Ben standing in the foyer just looking at her blankly and shaking his head. He stepped in front of her and grabbed the bags with his left hand still staring at her sternly.

"Don't give me that look Ben Warren, you were supposed to be sleep," Miranda protested as she walked in the house behind him.

"You know that I always bring your bags in the house. I don't even let you go grocery shopping if I can't be there to bring your bags in the house," Ben fussed.

"Well Ben Warren, I've been doing it for years before you became my best friend. And I've actually went grocery shopping a few times without you so there's that," Miranda said quickly.

Ben turned and huffed. "Miranda Bailey, you might have done it for years before I arrived but I'm here now and that's the one thing I demand that you not do because I want to do it for you," Ben retorted.

Miranda began to unpack the bags and Ben rushed and bumped her out the way and started unpacking the bags.

"Ugh, I can carry my own shopping bags, you already take my trash out, mow the lawn, you even somehow keep gas in my car and I never asked you to do that. And you are so overbearing about me not carrying shopping bags. I'm glad that I have you but can I keep some independence?" Miranda pleaded.

Ben just looked up at her as she slowly began to unpack some bags that were on the kitchen island. "You've been sneaking to the grocery store without me just so you can carry your own bags in the house?" Ben questioned.

Miranda gave a satisfied smirk, "I'm going to start the huge breakfast that I was going to make for us, INDEPENDENTLY," Miranda emphasized.

"Well if you're making a HUGE breakfast I'm going to help you so that it can go faster and we can surprise Tuck," Ben countered.

"You only have one good hand right now you're only going to slow me down," Miranda said giggling.

"Oh so you're just going to beat me down and laugh about it huh?" Ben questioned as he giggled.

"Well I bet I can use my good hand to handle you," Ben said rushing behind her and tickling her hard making her laugh loudly.

The couple turned on Christmas music and began to cook their breakfast as they kept glancing at each other as they stirred, flipped and keep check on the food. Soon Ben was behind Miranda lightly placing kisses on her ears and neck and she leaned against him letting him. He wrapped his arm around her pulling her against him and she felt his hard organ on her butt.

Miranda whimpered and threw her head back against his chest slowly grinding against him as he kissed her forehead. "I want you right now," Miranda whispered as she continued to rub her butt up and down against him.

They were quickly interrupted from their intimate moment when they heard Tuck coming down the stairs. Ben backed away from Miranda and she took the last of the waffles out of the waffle maker.

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