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Ben stood in the shower just letting the cold water run across his body. He had been doing this same routine for a month now after that morning when Miranda softly kissed his lips and it lit a fire inside of him. He spent most of his days now thinking about her as more than his best friend.

He went to sleep thinking about how her body felt against his and he woke up each morning with a hard reminder of how much he wished he could feel her body against his. He went as far as to make sure he didn't spend the night at her house anymore because they would always end up laying in each other's arms.

But today was his birthday and Miranda insisted that she had a surprise for him this weekend when he got off work.

Ben arrived at the fire station and noticed that it was super quiet and none of station 19 was around. "Where is everybody?" Ben said to himself.

Ben quickly walked up the stairs to where the kitchen was. When he opened the door, "SURPRISE!" everyone yelled scaring Ben. Ben held his chest and laughed as he looked at the food, balloons and gifts.

He began to hug everyone and as he shook Miller's hand Miranda stepped from behind him and smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Ben asked shocked as he quickly wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Well it was Dr. Bailey's idea to do this for you and we your station 19 family just made sure everything was here and in place," Miller explained.

Ben looked back down at Miranda and kissed her forehead. "Well I guess y'all finally get to meet my next door neighbor," Ben said.

"Yes the infamous Chief Miranda Bailey and best friend that Warren is always talking about," Victoria said.

"It's always Miranda says this or Miranda does this or that," Travis said.

Everyone laughed and Ben blushed listening to them tell Miranda how much he talks about her.

"All of that to say Ben loves and appreciates you as his neighbor and friend," Andy said smiling.

"Well thank you for telling me, I appreciate him as my friend too which is why I wanted to do this for him," Miranda said looking up at him and guiding him to the table.

Miranda fixed his plate with two waffles, fresh fruit, whip cream and syrup before putting a candle in it.

"Okay let's sing Happy Birthday everyone," Miranda announced.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY WARREN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!"

Ben closed his eyes and made a wish before blowing the candle out. Then everyone began eating the food, talked and got to know Miranda.

Ben was abruptly awakened by knocking on his front door. He looked over at his alarm clock to see that it was 7am on a Saturday morning. He quickly got up and put on his shirt as he walked to the door. When he opened the door, Miranda was standing there with a big smile on her face.

"Today is the day, I told you I had a surprise for you for your birthday weekend," Miranda beamed.

Ben stood in the doorway smiling at her just as Tuck ran over and fist bumped him.

"You haven't told me what the surprise is Miranda Bailey," Ben said moving out the way for them to come in.

"You like camping," Miranda stated.

"And you don't," Ben interjected.

"Which is why I made the compromise of getting a nice cabin at a luxury camping site for the weekend. And it has plenty of outdoorsy things for you to do while I get to sleep inside....on a bed," Miranda explained.

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