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Miranda stood in the window of her bedroom thinking and about the other night looking over at Ben's house feeling irritable. Ever since the night Ben wanted to talk through the window they had been keeping their curtains open. But since they had made it official, Ben had been teasing her by not wearing a shirt or only having a towel on when he stepped out the shower. At least Miranda felt like she was being teased and she didn't like it.

Miranda didn't want to have sex Thanksgiving day when she was still kind of under the weather because of her upset stomach. It had been a few days and now that Tuck was back home, they definitely didn't want their first time to be with Tuck in the house. They wanted to enjoy their first time free of worry about how much sound they made.

Ben also kept saying that he wanted them to tell Tuck that they were together because he was wishing for them to be all along. And not  just letting him find out when he happened to spend the night and come out of Miranda's bedroom in the morning.

Miranda just wanted to be intimate with her man. She finally faced her fears by following her heart and agreed for them to be both best friends and lovers and she was ready for the lovers part.

She walked out into the living room to wait for Tuck to come home from school. They always started Christmas decorating shortly after thanksgiving and Tuck had been talking about it since he came back home from being with Tucker. Miranda wanted her and Ben to use this opportunity to tell Tuck that they were now boyfriend and girlfriend.

She called Ben's phone in hopes he wasn't on a call and they could talk but he didn't pick up. She waited and called a couple of more times but still no answer.

Tuck got home excited for them to decorate but Ben was supposed to be joining them so that they could also watch Christmas movies and make cookies then tell Tuck the news but he still wasn't answering his phone.

This time Miranda left him a voicemail, "Benjamin Warren I have called you several times and usually by now you would answer me. What is going on? Text me at least..." and she hung up the phone.

Miranda was getting frustrated because it was now 9pm and Tuck was starting to show that he was disappointed, he came and plopped down beside Miranda on the couch.

"Mom, where is Ben? I thought you said he didn't have 24hr shift today," Tuck inquired.

"I don't know sweet boy, let me call one more time. They may have had a really bad call and he had to stay and help," Miranda explained.

She was starting to get really worried so she decided to call Miller remembering that she had his number from when they planned Ben's birthday breakfast.

"Hello," Miller answered.

Miranda immediately heard all the commotion in the background.

"Hey Miller, it's Dr.Bailey. I was calling because Ben was supposed to come over because we had a day planned but he isn't answering his phone," she replied.

"OH GOD! Dr. Bailey, I'm so sorry nobody contacted you. You are his best friend, we should have made sure to do that. Ummm, Ben got hurt during a call today, so we are here at Seattle Press. He is fine but he hasn't had his phone," Miller answered.

"WHAT! BEN IS HURT?" Miranda cried as she stood up from the couch and Tuck did the same with a terrified look on his face.

"Don't worry he is fine-"

Miranda hung up the phone, "Tuck go get your shoes and coat baby, we have to go to the hospital," Miranda said.

Tuck ran and got his shoes and coat and Miranda quickly got into her boots and coat and they rushed out the door.

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