Ch 11

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Miranda woke up and reached over to touch Ben and he wasn't there. Ben had basically moved in with Miranda but whenever he wanted alone time to decompress he would go over to his house. He talked about possibly renting it out but wasn't sure yet.

It was the weekend and Ben had something planned for the three of them to do. Miranda got up and went to use the bathroom, brush her teeth and wash her face. She then put on her robe and went searching for her boyfriend.

"Ben!" Miranda called.

Just as she was about to call his phone Ben and Tuck both walked through the front door.

"Hey mom," Tuck exclaimed and gave her a hug.

"Good morning," she answered back.

Good morning Miranda, why aren't you dressed yet?" Ben asked giving her a kiss.

"Ummm oh yeah, you did tell me to get dressed early last night. I completely forgot," Miranda sputtered as she turned to go back to the bedroom.

When Miranda was dressed in a baby blue body con dress  with a black duster and brown boots, she went back out into the living room where Ben and Tuck were waiting.

"Okay Miranda Bailey we are going to blind fold you so you can't see where we're going," Ben helped her get in the truck.

"Where are we going Tuck?" Miranda interrogated.

"Nope, I can tell you mom," Tuck said sitting back and concentrating on his phone.

"Ben you got my son in on this?" Miranda fussed.

"Yep, so now sit back and enjoy the ride Miranda," Ben said driving.

Miranda fell asleep and woke up when she felt the extra bumpiness of the road they where on.

"Wake up sleeping beauty, we're here," Ben said helping her take the blindfold off.

Miranda blinked to adjust to the light and then saw the cabin that she had brung Ben to for his birthday.

"Awww we're back at the cabin. I get to sleep in the big bedroom this time," Miranda said excitedly.

"Yes we do together," Ben said as he opened her door.

Tuck ran around the cabin to the back yard and Ben grabbed their bags and they went through the front door.

"We didn't stop to get groceries like last time," Miranda said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Actually we did, you were being sleeping beauty when we stopped so Tuck and I handled it," Ben explained.

Miranda nodded her approval and walked to the bedroom. She slipped her shoes off and climbed onto the king size bed. Miranda felt herself drifting off to sleep until she felt the bed lower. When she opened her eyes, Ben was laying on his side resting on his hand and smiling at her.

She smiled back at him as she stretched.

"Staying true to that sleeping beauty title I see," Ben said.

He leaned forward and kissed her lips gently but with passion. "Just tired lately is all. Tuck still out in the backyard?" Miranda asked placing her hand on Ben's waist.

"Yeah, he was sitting on the swing when I looked out the door to see where he was," Ben said moving closer to Miranda and putting her leg around his waist and rubbing her booty.

"Not yet Benjamin Warren. My son could walk in on us if we try to get something started," Miranda softly told him.

"I'm not trying to get anything started Miranda Bailey I just want to touch you. Can I just touch you?" Ben asked against her lips.

Miranda didn't answer she just kissed him and put her hands under his shirt and rubbed his abs.

"Aht aht, don't get nothing started Miranda Bailey," Ben playfully scolded.

"Ugh," Miranda moaned.

Miranda was relaxing in the bathtub while the men prepared dinner. When she got out and walked into the bedroom and she saw a long black, long sleeved dress with a slit and ankle boots. There was a note beside the dress,

Miranda Bailey,

Once you get dressed come outside, we have a surprise for you.


Ben and Tuck.

Miranda smiled and quickly got dressed, brushed her hair out of the wrap she had it in, and did some light makeup. When she walked out of the room there were rose pedals leading from the door to the back door.

When she stepped out onto the deck there were string lights hung up and candles everywhere. And Tuck was standing at the bottom of the steps in a black suit smiling wide at her.

"Hey mom," Tuck said.

"Hey baby, what in the world is going on?" Miranda asked as he helped her down the stairs.

When they got on the grass Miranda saw more candles in the gazebo and Ben was standing inside with a black suit on just like Tuck's.

Miranda felt herself getting emotional as she stepped into the gazebo and took Ben's hand. Ben pointed at Tuck and Miranda focused her attention on her son.

"Mom, you are deserving of so many things including having someone who loves you for how amazing you are. And I believe that Ben is that person for you and I'm happy that you and Ben are together now and that you will be together for years to come," Tuck expressed.

Miranda's tears were flowing now when Tuck gave Ben a nod and he turned Miranda towards him. Ben wiped her tears and held her hand as he began to speak.

"Miranda, from the first moment I saw you I knew that I had to know you. I knew the day that I knocked on your car door to check on you that I had to work to make you mine. You have been everything I could ever want and more. It's a bonus and a blessing that you became my best friend. And like Tuck said, I am so glad that you agreed for us to be together because I can't begin to imagine my life without being mine only. You are the love of my life and you will be for the rest of my life, so will be my wife?" Ben said as he got on his knee.

Miranda was crying and her hands were shaking. She couldn't believe that this amazing man wanted her to be his wife.

"Ye...Yes," Miranda sputtered.

Ben put the tear drop shaped, diamond encrusted engagement ring on Miranda's finger and stood up, quickly embracing her. Ben reached for Tuck and hugged him as well.

"And Tuck,  I know you have a dad and I would never try to replace him but it would be my honor to be your bonus dad," Ben said to Tuck.

Tuck nodded his approval as he fell back into Ben's arms.

Miranda's arms were wrapped around Ben's neck as she sat in the lotus position in his lap on the king size bed of the cabin. He held onto her booty as she slowly rocked back and forth on his hard manhood. He kissed her neck and breast, then she touched his face and just stared into his eyes as she continued to ride his dick.

This was the most intimate sex they'd had and Ben didn't want it to end. He kissed and licked her plump lips as she rode him a little faster. Her walls began to contract around his dick informing him that she was close to cumming, so he wrapped his arm around her waist to hold her up as he used his middle finger to rub her clit.

Miranda began to squirm as she put her face in Ben's shoulder to suppress her moan. Miranda thrusted harder making Ben's dick go deeper and hit her g spot and she came hard pulling Ben into her chest. Ben kissed her chest and neck as she came down from her orgasm.

"Uhhhh, I can't wait to be your wife," Miranda whispered as she started slowly riding his dick again.

"Let's not wait then," Ben said breathlessly as he directed her hips.

"We can figure out a date for next month and get your parents out here and get our friends together. We don't have to wait long Miranda," Ben stated.

Miranda got teary eyed and kissed him deeply as she sped up the pace that she was riding Ben's manhood until they came together.

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