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Miranda stood outside of the O.R trying to find strength and give herself a pep talk, "You are Miranda Bailey, one of the best surgeons in this hospital. And you cannot let some flu stop you from doing your work," Miranda said to herself.

Feeling dizzy and weak Miranda held onto the sink but when she got her balance back she walked back out the door. She saw Dr. Webber standing at the O.R board and thanked God.

"Dr. Webber ummm I need you to do this surgery for me. I think I may have the flu and not many more minutes before I'm on the floor passed out from feeling dizzy so can you take it?" Miranda asked in between deep breaths.

"Of course Bailey, anything for you. Go home and get some rest and I will handle your patients," Webber said as he walked into the OR.

Just as Miranda was slowly making her way to the attending lounge Miranda could tell she didn't have the energy to drive home. Just walking to the lounge felt like a task, as she continued to walk she saw Anthony and called out to him.

"Dr. Langston!" Miranda yelled out to get his attention.

Anthony heard her and smiled making his way over to her but then quickly noticed that she looked unwell. "Miranda are you okay," he asked slowly moving towards her.

"Nooo, I think I have the flu," Miranda said on the verge of tears from feeling so dizzy and weak.

Anthony grabbed a mask and covered his face, "oh no Miranda, well you should probably go home and rest. Maybe when I get off work I can drop a basket of supplies off for you," Anthony offered.

"Okay, but can you take me home, I don't feel well enough to drive," Miranda asked.

"Miranda I have surgery in an hour and a half and I need to prep, but I can call you a cab or Uber," Anthony suggested.

"No I don't want to get in a strangers car feeling like this. I want someone I trust," Miranda said moving into the attending lounge and closing the door in his face.

Miranda sat in a chair to calm the dizzy spell she was having before calling Ben. She hoped and prayed that he wasn't on a call. The phone rang a few times and Miranda almost wanted to scream out of frustration and sickness when he finally picked up the phone.

"Hey Miranda," Ben answered cheerfully.

"Benn," Miranda said as she began to cry.

"Miranda tell me what is wrong," Ben commanded in a worried tone.

"I think I have the flu and I'm too dizzy and weak to drive myself home," Miranda explained while still crying.

"Okay Miranda, just hold tight I'm coming to get you. Do you think you can make it to the front lobby of the hospital or do I need to come get you from where you are?" Ben asked seriously.

"Ummm no I will try to make it to the front lobby, I don't want to make a scene and have people wondering what's wrong with me," Miranda answered getting up and grabbing her things from her locker.

"Okay, I'm getting in my truck now so I will be there in 15 minutes," Ben said.

Miranda changed her clothes as quickly as her body would let her and then slowly made her way to the front lobby. Just as she was entering the front lobby Ben was coming in the door and quickly spotted her.

Miranda felt a relief and waves of emotion seeing Ben. He quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and let her lean into him as they walked out the door to his truck. Ben quickly got Miranda home and into her bedroom.

"Ben I'm hot," Miranda whined and he helped her take her sweater and shoes off. Ben turned back around from placing her shoes in her closet just in time to see Miranda leaning back on the bed and pulling her jeans off in front of him.

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