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Vic watched as her friend sobbed and she'd never seen him so broken. She turned back around to his wife's body determined and continued CPR until she finally got a pulse and a heartbeat.

"PULSE! I got a pulse and a heartbeat," Vic cheered.

They pulled up to Grey Sloan Memorial where Dr. Hunt and Dr. Webber were waiting.

"41 year old female, 6 months pregnant and down from severe smoke inhalation. She was down for several minutes but we were able to bring her back. Currently stable but again was down for several minutes," Andy rattled off.

Hunt and Richard both gasped seeing that it was Dr. Bailey and then seeing Ben look completely distraught as he got out the aid car. They rushed her into a trauma room putting her on high flow oxygen and ordered for neuro to come do an exam and for OB to come access if the baby was still alive.

Dr.Sheppard and Dr.Karev came in the room and began doing their work ups.

Ben sat in the hallway with Miller and Travis waiting to hear from the doctors. Ben felt exhausted and numb. He couldn't believe this was happening and he was praying that Miranda and the baby would be okay. Together Hunt, Webber, Sheppard and Karev came out and Ben just looked up at them with tears in his eyes.

"Because of the severity of her smoke inhalation we intubated her and Dr.Bailey will be on high flow oxygen. If the high flow doesn't help improve her lungs within the next hour we will take her to the hyperbaric chamber," Dr. Hunt informed.

"So it will probably be awhile before she wakes up because of all that she has went through so I won't be able to determine if she has any real neuro deficits from the lack of oxygen until then," Dr. Sheppard explained.

"Hey Warren, so I was able to hear a heart beat from the baby. It wasn't strong but it was there so I don't want to delivery her just yet. Hopefully with the oxygen that we're providing Dr. Bailey we will see improvement in her so I will be keeping check on her every 15 to 30 minutes," Dr. Karev explained as he patted Ben on the shoulder.

Ben walked slowly into the room and kissed Miranda's forehead and rubbed her belly. He then realized that he needed to make some calls to her family and Tucker.

Once he got off the phone, Miranda's parents were flying to Seattle and Tucker would keep Tuck until it was okay for him to come see his mom.

Ben sat in the chair and watched as Karev and his resident came and did checks on the baby every so often.

"The baby's heartbeat is getting stronger Warren and she doesn't seem to be in distress which I'm glad about because he lungs aren't mature enough for her to be out so I'm glad that we can keep her in," Karev said smiling.

Ben gave him a slight smile back as he looked at Miranda's face. Dr Webber came in, "Hey Warren the police are hear and would like to speak to you," Richard said patting him on his back.

Ben walked out of the room to see two police officers approaching him. "Hello Mr. Warren, I am officer Thomas and this is officer Malcolm and we are doing the investigation for what happened to your home. We were informed by the recording from the 911 call that your wife made that the house was set on fire by a man she previous dated."

Ben felt his entire body get hot as he became filled with rage, "you mean to tell me that Anthony is the one who set our house on fire with my pregnant wife in it," Ben said with his voice raising.

"Okay Mr.Warren-

"It's  Dr.Warren," Ben interjected.

"Sorry Dr. Warren, you said his name is Anthony, do you know his last name?" the officer questioned.

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