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Few days later Miranda took the plates that belonged to Ben out her cabinet so that she could return them on her way to work. She looked at the time on her stove clock and she had 30 minutes before she needed to get Tuck to school and be heading to work.

"TUCK! BE IN THE CAR IN 5 MINUTES," she yelled up the stairs.

Tuck stuck his head out of his bedroom door. "OKAY MOM," he replied.

She grabbed her bags and headed out the door, she unlocked her car, threw her bags in the back seat and quickly walked over to Ben's house. Miranda knocked on the door and she heard feet shuffling and the door swung open.

"Hey Miranda, Good morning!" Ben said pleasantly.

Ben was dressed in his fire station uniform and he looked very handsome. Miranda paused for a moment as she looked at him and Ben blushed.

"Good morning Ben, umm I was just bringing your plates back. Didn't want to be one of those neighbors who doesn't give stuff back," Miranda explained.

"I appreciate that look very lovely this morning," Ben complimented.

"Oh thank you. You look very nice as well in your uniform," Miranda said slowly.

"Well I have to go, my son just got in the car. Have a good and safe day at work Ben," Miranda said as she stepped off his porch.

"Thank you, you too Miranda," he replied as he watched her get in her car.

Quickly getting into the car, Miranda buckled her seatbelt and began backing out of the driveway.

"Ready for school my sweet boy?" Miranda asked Tuck as she smiled at him.

The teen was looking down at his phone, "yes as always...ummm who was the guy mom," Tuck asked.

"Oh Ben, he is our new neighbor," Miranda replied.

Miranda had an easy day at work so she was able to get home early so that she could start dinner for her and Tuck. When she pulled up in her driveway, she realized that her garbage can was at the end of her driveway.

"Hmmm I don't remember Tuck pulling the garbage can to the driveway this morning," Miranda said in a wondering tone.

Miranda walked inside, sat her stuff down and took chicken wings out of the refrigerator. She quickly seasoned them then put them in the oven. She washed some potatoes, cut them in slices, chopped onions and placed them in a pan coated in vegetable oil to let them fry. She then coated a baking sheet olive oil and placed asparagus and fresh green beans on it.

As Miranda cooked she heard Ben's truck pull into his driveway. She quickly walked over to her dining room window and watched him pull his garbage can from the end of his driveway. He then walked across the grass onto her driveway and did the same with her garbage can. Miranda blushed and smirked watching him place perfectly back in its spot.

Miranda quickly ran to her front door and walked outside as Ben was walking away.

"HA! I caught you," Miranda yelled playfully.

Ben jumped and turned around holding his chest and grinning. "Miranda scared me," Ben said walking up to her.

Miranda put her hands on her hips and looked up at him as he got closer to her.

"You took my trashcan out to my driveway this morning," she said in a sassy tone.

Ben mimicked her body language, "I did because it was trash day and I hated the thought of you missing it," Ben responded with the same sassy tone.

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