The break up

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Brittany had changed into a pair of sweatpants and an old AC/DC t-shirt.  They grabbed some leftover pizza from the fridge and some soda to drink. She was now in the couch with Santana, talking and bonding.

Brittany: (Lying in the couch with her head on Santana’s lap) So why did you go to the park?

Santana: (Stroking Brittany’s hair) Well, my mom didn’t let me stay at home by myself. She doesn’t trust me.

Brittany: (Sits up and looks at Santana) Why not?

Santana: Well it’s nothing I’ve done so I don’t get why not, but this girl in school, Quinn Fabray. She got pregnant and got kicked of the cheerios. My mom just doesn’t want that to happen to me, so she won’t let me be alone with someone for more than an hour. 

Brittany: (Leans forward and smirks) But you are allowed to be here, alone in a big house, with me?

Santana: (Leans backwards a little while starting to blush) Shouldn’t I be?

Brittany: (Lays back on Santana’s lap again) That is up to you as well, sweetie. 

Santana: (Looks to the ceiling and sighs hard) Yeah, I know. 

Brittany: (Looks at Santana) Hey! What’s with the sad face? Isn’t your boyfriend coming home from New York this week? 

Santana: (Looks down at her and sighs) Actually. He’s home now.

Brittany: Well, that’s good news, right? Why don’t you go see him?

Santana: Yeah, but. I think he lied to me. He didn’t tell me he was home, I found out because my mom saw him this morning. 

Brittany: (sits up again and takes Santana’s hand) I’m so sorry Santana. Are you okay?

Santana: (Starts crying) I don’t know 

Brittany: (Quickly leans over and gives her a big, long hug) Oh, honey. It’s ok, it’s gonna be ok.

Santana: (Cries on Brittany’s shoulder) I just don’t know what to do. I just don’t know.

Brittany: (Holds Santana’s hands while looking her in the eyes) You’re gonna call him tonight, and you two are gonna talk about your relationship and if it’s going to work out between you. If it’s not, then you break up with him… and if it is… (Looks down on their hands and smiles sadly) they you have nothing to worry about. 

Santana: (stops crying and looks at Brittany) But. What if I don’t want to be with him?

Brittany: (Looks up at Santana, holding her hands even tighter) Then I’m sure there’s someone else who wants you.

My other half (A Brittana story) - Lesbian StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now