Diamond ring

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San -- Hey, Brittany and I will be staying here for a few more days. We'll be back before school start next week, promise! Love you xx

Mom -- Okay, but we miss you San. Be safe, alright? Call me if you need anything.

San -- I will, thanks. Ttyl.

Mom -- How did it go with Brittany? Did you talk to her? ;)

San -- Bye mom!

Santana threw her phone on the bed and smiled up at Brittany. "I can stay." She said and smirked. Brittany threw her arms around Santana's neck and hugged her tightly while squealing. "Oh, San, this is gonna be great!" Brittany said and jumped a little when she let go of Santana. The smile on Brittany's face warmed Santana's heart and she smiled too. "Yeah, Britt. It will."

Brittany looked at Santana and saw the pure sincereness that seeped through her eyes. It calmed her a little and instead of jumping like a little girl, she stroked Santana's arms and held her lightly. She looked straight into the deep brown eyes of the other girl. "I love you, Santana, so much..." She said lowly.

Santana blushed and glanced down at the floor before meeting the sky-blue eyes in front of her again. "I'll never get tired of hearing you say that." Santana chuckled back.

Brittany took a deep breath before she let go of Santana's arms and reached into her pocket. "And I'll never get tired of telling you that. Which is why I'm planning on telling you every day for a long time"

Brittany took something from her pocket and held it in her hand. Santana couldn't really tell what it was. It looked like a little box. Brittany held it behind her and took another deep breath.

"Santana, we've known each other for quite a while now. It all started on that rainy day at school. I'd never seen anyone as beautiful as you before and I had to speak to you. The first time we talked, you lied to me, but that's alright." She said and brought the little object in her hand in front of her body instead. Santana couldn't help but glance at it. It was definitely a little box, a little black box.

"To me, you're not just the girl who I saw walking in the rain. You're not just the girl who I nearly slept with after she broke up with her boyfriend, and you're not just my friend. You're my best friend, but also so much more than that. I love you, Santana Marie Lopez. I love all of you, and the parts you don't love about yourself are the ones that I appreciate the most."

Brittany went down on one knee and lifted the box a little. Santana gasped and held her hands in front of her her mouth. She didn't know what to do.

"I know we only confessed our love for each other a few days ago, but I've loved you for so much longer. And will for a long time forward. So to make this simple..." Brittany said and slowly opened the box.

Santana looked down at the ring inside the box. She couldn't see the ring itself, because it was covered by a huge, red diamond... of candy.

"Santana, will you be my girlfriend?" Brittany said and smiled goofily at the gaping brunette in front of her.

Santana lowered her hands and felt a relief gush over her. "It's strawberry flavor, I know it's your favorite" Brittany said smiling.

Santana smacked Brittany at the shoulder over and over again. "You dork! I thought you were proposing! Britt!"

Brittany felled to the floor, laughing hysterically. Santana kept hitting her shoulder before she too started laughing and laid down on top of Brittany. The two girls lied with their faces only inches apart, chuckling lightly.

"So will you?" Brittany said once their laughter had died out, lifting the box once again. Santana looked at the ring and reached out for it, taking it out of the box. She looked at it for a few seconds before putting it in her mouth, sucking lightly at it.

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