It's the alcohol talking

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A/N: Before you read I suggest you re-read the chapter called "Regrets collect, like old friends". Especially when Santana tells Quinn about her plan fro Brittany's "Surprise". It was the time to when I hinted about what this chapter is mainly about. 

Also, maybe a slight trigger warning for some people. 

"Santana, why are we in a closet at school?" She asked softly.

Santana sniffled a little as another tear formed in her eye.

"Because I'm not ready to come out..."

Brittany just looked at the girl in front of her, who was a sobbing mess. The tears didn't stop coming and every breath was ragged and had her shaking lightly.

"Brittany, please say something" Santana croaked out.

Brittany gently stroked her thumb under Santana's eyes, drying her tears. Santana leaned into her touch and sighed. When Brittany had dried of most of the tears she leaned in and softly kissed her eyelids before kissing her nose and lastly kissing her on the lips.

It was a slow and soft kiss but there was so much emotion. Brittany let one of her own tears slide down her cheek before she pulled away and rested her forehead on Santana's.

"I am so, so sorry, Santana. So sorry." Brittany whispered out.

"No, Britt, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I made you feel like I was ashamed of you, because how could I ever be? You're so, so special to me and I don't know how I would make it through all of this without you" Santana whispered back and looked into Brittany's eyes. Brittany nodded at her and sniffled.

Brittany grabbed Santana's hand and kissed her palm before placing it over her heart. "I understand. Baby, I totally understand, but you have nothing to be sorry about. It's all my fault, I totally forgot that you haven't told anyone yet, except your family"

Santana chuckled. "Yeah, but they kinda already knew"

Brittany smiled. "Still. I'm so sorry, baby. I never had that problem, I kept moving around so I never really had anyone who knew me enough to care."

"It's okay, I don't blame you." Santana said sweetly and pecked Brittany's lips once again.

"So what do you want to do now?" Brittany asked.

Santana looked down on her watch. "Well, school's over for me in 40 minutes, and you're done and since it's the first day back I'm probably not gonna miss anything so how about we skip the rest of my class and go home to your place? Put a movie on, maybe open that bottle of wine you kept?"

Brittany laughed before hugging Santana after kissing her. "That sounds amazing" she whispered with one more kiss.


They had almost finished their second movie and the bottle of wine as long gone. Once they were both comfortable in Brittany's bed, they started drinking. They started with a glass each, but soon Santana had taken way more than Brittany.

Santana was clinging to Brittany, who was laughing at Santana and watching the movie.

"I'm sorry about school today baby" Santana slurred out. Brittany looked over at the small girl lying next to her. Her dark hair was messy and her eyes were unfocused, clear signs that she was drunk. She had spilled some of the wine on her shirt, just an old t-shirt she got to borrow from Brittany when they got home.

"Babe, I told you it's alright. I'm sorry for overreacting" Brittany said sincerely and kissed Santana on the top of her head.

They were watching The First Time and none of them remembered who chose it, but they both liked it.

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