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A/N: Enjoy this chapter, also don't forget to read the A/N in he end. Tank you!

"Santana this was amazing. How did you do all of this?" Brittany asked as they sat down on the blanket and leaned into Santana's side. They'd eaten and talked and just came back from a walk on the beach. "Well, it took some time and a lot of running back and forth, that's why I asked Quinn to take you out today, I wanted it to be a complete surprise." Santana said and smiled while kissing Brittany's hand.

Brittany smiled and looked over the water. "Well, it certainly was." She said with a sigh. Santana sat up further and turned Brittany's head so she was looking at her. "Hey, what is it? Do you not like it?" She asked slowly. Brittany grabbed Santana's face and stroked her thumb over her cheeks. "No, San, I love it. Trust me I do, it's just... I thought you were mad with me?"

Santana frowned a little. "Britt baby, why would you think that?". Brittany looked down for a second. "Because you didn't answer any of my calls or texts for three days. I was terrified that I had done something wrong." she then said.

Santana sighed before she leaned forward and kissed Brittany softly. "Britt, you haven't done anything wrong. I'm so sorry that you'd ever think that I was mad at you, and I'm sorry for not calling or texting you. I just wanted it to be a surprise. Okay? I would never be so mad at you that I ignored you."

Brittany smiled and nodded. "Okay."

Santana smiled back and looked over the water. "The sun's about to set. Let's get in the boat."

Santana stood up and grabbed Brittany's hand, helping her up with her. Brittany smiled and stood up. "I was wondering if that was your boat" She said and kissed Santana's hand.

They walked over to the boat and got in. Santana rowed out a bit into the water before sitting back. The sun reflected of the water and the sky turned pink and orange. 

"Hey, Santana? Can I ask you something?" Brittany asked hesitantly. "Yeah, of course. You can ask me anything, you know hat Britt" Santana answered with a frown. "How did you get the boat here?" she asked. Santana tensed up a little. "I, uh, I asked Sam for help..." She said quietly. "Are you mad?" She asked. Brittany smiled at her and grabbed her hand. "Of course I'm not sweetie. The opposite actually. I'm really glad you put yourself through that to do this. Thank you." She smiled.

"San, this is beautiful" Brittany beamed and leaned over to kiss the Latina. She then cuddled into Santana's side, leaning her head in the crook of her neck. "I'm glad you're happy Britt" Santana said and looked at Brittany.

Brittany looked up at Santana and leaned in for a soft kiss.

The two broke the kiss and smiled lovingly at each other. They both leaned in for another kiss and deepened it at once. Brittany slides her tongue over Santana's bottom lip who instantly part from her upper. A low moan is heard but neither know from which mouth.

Hands are moving over backs and Santana's hand rests on Brittany's neck, toying with her blonde hair. Brittany had moved her hands to the front of Santana's stomach and was tugging at the hem of her shirt. Her hands soon slipped under and Brittany ran her fingers over Santana's abs, making them tense under her touch.

"S-san, wait, wait" Brittany breathed out against the brunettes lips. Santana moved back and let go of Brittany's neck. "I-I'm sorry, did I go to far? I didn't mean to, I just-" Santana said before Brittany cut her off with a quick peck. She put her hands on Santana's waist and took a breath.

"Santana, calm down okay? You haven't done anything wrong, I just, we need to slow down, we're in the middle of a boat in the water..." Brittany said with a smile. Santana sighed. "I know, I know. I just, I got carried away. We'll wait for the right timing. I'm sorry." She said and looked at her hands.

"No, no, San. You're getting it wrong. I meant we can't, do anything here." Brittany said softly. "You're right. It's getting cold, want to go back to the blankets and cuddle?" Santana said with a small smile. Brittany smiled back and nodded.

Santana wrapped herself and Brittany together in one of the blankets. Small touches and kisses soon turned to a full make out session.

Brittany was lying on top of Santana with her hand under her shirt, rubbing small circles on the tanned skin. Santana was slowly moving her hand towards Brittany's ass, moving her other hand up and down Brittany's side.

Brittany pulled her lips away from Santana's and looked into the Latina's dark eyes. Santana noticed that the blondes eyes was several shades darker than normal.

"Santana, take us home..." Brittany said seductively in Santana's ear. Santana's breath hitched and she leaned up and softly kissed Brittany's lips. "Are you sure baby?" She whispered. Brittany nodded. "I love you Santana, I want to do this with you" She said sweetly. "I know baby, and I love you too but we don't have to do this tonight. We can wait." Santana said and stroked her thumb over Brittany's lips. Brittany kissed her thumb and closed her eyes. She shook her head and looked at the Latina. "No, I want this tonight. Get us home."



Santana was freaking out! Her hands were gripping the wheel so tightly her knuckles turned white. Could you blame her? This beautiful, not to mention hot, girl was sitting next to her, rubbing her thigh higher and higher. She was going nuts. Not enough that she's been waiting for since basically the first time she saw Brittany, but she also has the pressure to make this so special for Brittany. It's Santana's first time with a girl, but this is also Brittany's first time with anyone.

"Calm down, San..." Brittany said softly in her ear. "You're gonna crash the car soon, and I want to come home in one piece." she continued and gently placed a hand on Santana on the wheel.

"I'm sorry I just, just, how can you be so calm right now? I'm basically having a panic attack and you're so calm. I don't get it." Santana said desperately.

Brittany thought for a moment. "Of course I'm nervous. I'm about to go home and have sex for the first time in my life but I'm a good kind of nervous. Because I'm doing it with you. I'm positive that I love you and I'm sure that you love me too. My first time is not gonna be a quick fuck, it'll be a slow, passionate, love-making session." she said lovingly yet seductively.

Santana sighed deeply and visibly relaxed her entire body. "I love you so much, Brittany. But I want this to be so special for you. I won't have any idea of what I'm doing, it'll be a new experience for both of us."

They both let out a small giggle and looked into each others eyes. Brittany leaned over the console and gently pecked Santana's lips.

Santana focused back on the road and soon she felt Brittany's soft whisper in her ear. "Now...". Her word were punctured by open mouthed kisses all along Santana's neck, and she once again felt the nerves coming back to her as her knuckles once again turned white...

A/N: Hey, So I still haven't gotten a charger but I borrowed one so that I could wrote and post this chapter. You might notice it's shorter than usual but it's still longer than most people. 

Don't forget to check out my other story "I Can Teach You"! I'm afraid that I couldn't update that one today but it'll be coming soon. I have 300 views on it, which is amazing, and I also have 11,2K VIEWS ON THIS ONE! Thank you so much! 

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