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Brittany sat on the bed in the hotel room. She'd run the whole way back. It wasn't extremely far, but she was covered in sweat when she got back. She hadn't even noticed on her way, she was too caught up in her own mind that she blocked the rest of the world out.

When she got home she took a long shower, trying to wash away the tugging feeling inside her. The feeling that told her she should regret what she'd done, but she didn't. She was sad, yes, but not because she had told Santana how she felt, she was actually happy about that. She wasn't even sad about kissing Santana. No, she was sad because of how Santana had reacted. Santana had completely rejected her. Brittany hadn't stayed long enough for Santana to start talking, she wouldn't have been able to handle it.

When Brittany got out of the shower she put on some loose clothes. She put her hair in a bun and sat down on the bed. Her phone laid beside her, just in case Santana would call. She didn't.

Brittany sat up and waited. She didn't want to go to sleep, even though she needed it. She wanted to talk to Santana, she didn't know what to say, but she wanted to talk. She didn't want to wake up the next morning in an awkward state.

She looked at her phone and saw that it was now close to 11pm. She'd been alone for hours, just waiting. She hadn't even noticed that it got dark. Brittany should probably be hungry but she wasn't.

Santana drove. She just drove and didn't even know where she was going. She knew she had to go back to the hotel, eventually. After driving for a while, she pulled over to a cliff. It wasn't very high, but it looked over the city and all the lights sparkled in the night.

Santana just sat there for a while and just thought. What was she going to do? She thought through what she was going to say, what she could say, to Brittany. She decided what to do.

She hadn't realized how late it was and she decided to go back to the hotel. The streets were empty so the ride home went fast and quietly. Santana was happy to have some extra time to think. She had been thinking for hours already but she needed more time. Santana used all the time she could get. Walking from the car, going to the elevator, riding the elevator, walking down the hallway and finally just standing outside the door.

Brittany was on the other side, she knew that. She was probably asleep, it'd been a long day. Santana finally took courage to her and slid her keycard in the door. It opened with a small beep and Santana quietly made her way inside. She didn't want to wake Brittany up.

"Hey..." Brittany said lowly and Santana turned around with a shock. "Hey... I thought you'd bee asleep by now. It's late..." She said after calming herself down. Brittany didn't move from her place on the bed while Santana took off her coat and hung it on one of the hooks. She slowly walked inside and leaned against the wall opposite Brittany.

"Yeah, it is. Where were you?" Brittany continued. Her voice was low and toneless. She didn't look at Santana. She wasn't sure why, it just didn't feel right.

Santana didn't really know how to approach this conversation but she did her best to do it. "Um, nowhere, I guess. I drove for a while, thinking. Then I sat on a cliff, thinking. Then I drove some more-" Brittany cut her off. "Let me guess, thinking?" She said and finally looked up. Santana was a little taken aback when she met Brittany's eyes and instantly looked down. "Yeah... Thinking. I've thought a lot and I-" Brittany cut her off again. "Look, Santana, I know what I did was stupid, okay. I don't know what happened to me. I know that I shouldn't just have kissed you like that, or just have run off like that, okay. I know. I was stupid and I promise it won't happen again, so, can we just like forget about it? Please?" Brittany pleaded. She didn't want Santana to be mad at her. She never wanted Santana to be mad at her.

My other half (A Brittana story) - Lesbian StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now