Back to school

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As decided, Brittany stood outside Santana's house, leaning against her car at 8:30am the next day. The school day didn't start until 9 but Santana had wanted Brittany to pick her up early. Brittany, who was whipped, didn't say anything and agreed without hesitation.

Santana walked out the front door and smiled when she saw Brittany. She called a goodbye over her shoulder to her mother before closing the door and walking over to Brittany.

They were both smiling, eyes locked and hearts speeding. Even though they had texted the whole previous night, it wasn't the same as to see each other face to face.

When Santana was a few feet away, Brittany pulled out a bouquet from behind her and held it out to Santana.

The brunette gasped and took the bouquet to smell the flowers while smiling from side to side. "Britt, these are beautiful" Santana beamed at the blonde who simply smiled. "Read the card" she said and Santana raised an eyebrow at her before opening the card and reading out loud. "You are more beautiful than any flower..." She read.

Santana looked lovingly at Brittany and placed her hand over her heart while blushing. "I love you so much"

Brittany just smirked before she pulled another flower, a rose, from behind her back and started picking the leaves. "She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me... and I love her too." Brittany said and leaned over to capture Santana's lips, but was instead met with her cheek.

Brittany pulled back and frowned at Santana, who was once again looking around nervously. "San?" Brittany said and Santana snapped her attention back to her. "Come on, let's go." Santana smiled and went into the car. Brittany moved away from the door so Santana could get in and slowly walked over to her side, driving off to school.


The car ride to school was mostly silent. A little smalltalk happened but Brittany was too confused to really talk. Her mind was going to crazy while thinking of why Santana turned her the cheek.

They stepped out of the car on the far end of the parking lot, per Santana's request, and Brittany grabbed her bag from the backseat before walking up to Santana.

She tried reaching for Santana's hand but stopped when Santana pulled her hand away. She looked over to Santana who was looking down at the ground. She frowned at Santana before looking straight forward with a hurt expression on her face, her hands now in her pockets.


They didn't have many classes together that day so between every class Brittany went to Santana's locker to see her as much as possible that day. Every chance she got, she tried to see Santana, but every time she did Santana acted as if she didn't want to see her.

During her latest class she had texted Santana and after that the two texted the entire lesson. Brittany forgot everything about this morning and how Santana had been weird. They sent cute messages and little 'I love you's every now and then and Brittany couldn't help but smile at every single one of them.

After that class, which Brittany didn't even know which one it was, it was time for lunch. Brittany went over to Santana's locker, like so many times before that day, and waited for her there. When Santana came things were back to if the past lesson and messages had never happened. Santana was cold and kept all of her answers small. She barely made eye contact with Brittany and she definitely didn't even think about giving Brittany a kiss or a hug.

"Seriously, what's going on with you?" Brittany asked after yet another attempt of grabbing Santana's hand. They were sitting in the cafeteria at a far off table and Santana hadn't raised her head from her plate a single time. Until now.

My other half (A Brittana story) - Lesbian StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now