Ch5. Team Things

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It had taken a night's worth of work for Naruto to heal some of the broken bones in Obito's body. She had been glad that he was unconscious because some of the things she had been forced to do in order to make sure his bones didn't overlap or protrude through his skin had looked downright treacherous. Better she fix it all now when he was passed out than when he was awake to feel the pain.

Naru had fixed his shattered lung and all of his ribs, as well as his femur and the other minor bones in his body.

He still needed intensive care, but once the bones were back in his body, she healed the holes and patches in his skin, so the blood loss wasn't as imminent. Of course, there was nothing she could do about his eye. She could heal bones and regrow skin but she couldn't regenerate new limbs and eyes on the whim. She had once, for Kakashi but it wasn't feasible if Kurama wasn't with her anymore.

His arm had been broken so severely that a lot of the bones in it had been sawed down to complete dust, so besides fixing the bones that were just broken, she had left that for more experienced medics to take care of.

As it was, she had taken a lot of risk healing Obito as she had. Naruto had no real experience with healing seals and jutsus, just the quick scrapes of knowledge she had picked up over the war in desperation. But still, it was better than dragging his body bloody and broken.

"You just had to go and be a self sacrificing hero," She grumbled without any true heat.

As soon as she retracted her hands over his, a wave of tiredness crashed over her, and her eyes fluttered shut
as she fell asleep on the cold ground.


When Naruto woke up, she was laying side by side with the mangled Uchiha teenager. The darkness from the night had passed, and the sun was already shining brightly. Dawn had already passed.

It was oddly peaceful, and birds chirped from above the branches.

Naruto couldn't help but think that the sky had no right looking so serene.

She rolled over and glanced and Obito. He was still out like a light, so she pulled out another ration bar and scarfed it down hastily.

She was starving and dying for her sleeping bag, a shower, and proper meal. Not necessarily in that order.

Naru didn't waste time. She summoned two clones, as the others had vanished overnight.

The other two immediately tended to Obito without being given orders.

"Okay, guys," Naru's voiced rasped due to her just awakening. "We need to get Obito back to Konoha at top speed. One of you will help me carry him on either side, and one of you will go ahead to scope out the area. We can't risk running into any Iwa nin with his condition."

"Got it, boss!" One of her clones said. Said clone ran to Obito's side and began gently propping him up, mindful of his issues. The other jumped to the trees and began their journey back home.

Naru got on Obito's other side and together with her clone, they draped him over them. For a fourteen year old, he was pretty light. Steadily, they sprung into the forest after the clone, and they were extremely considerate to not try and jostle his body.


Two hours had passed, and Konoha was barely in sight. All the haste in the previous days' travels were slowed down considerably, not only just by Naru's hunger and exhaustion, but out of concern for Obito's still healing body.


It was at the four hour mark that Obito woke up. They had been jumping through the tree line when a small groan of pain sounded in her ear. Naru stumbled slightly at the unexpected noise. His eyes were slammed shut, and she suspected it had something to do with the one of his eyes being gone, and the other being hypersensitive if he didn't have eyedrops in and goggles on. Naruto was surprised that his pain levels had even allowed him to regain consciousness.

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