Chp. 18 The Proposal {Bonus Scene}

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(two hours prior):

As soon as they arrive home, all hell breaks loose. Well. Not hell, if Minato is being completely honest. More like blissful heaven. Not that he's really thinking right now.

Minato jerks his head down to Kushina, her back pressed up against the wall as he leans into her heavily. Her hand cups his face, her flyaway, fiery hair floating around her. He slots his lips onto hers, feeling how she's so warm and soft beneath him, cradling his arms around her back to pull her closer and closer and closer until there's no space in between them. He doesn't want any space between them - not now, not ever. Kushina breaks away from his lips to trail down light, fluttering kisses all the way down to his neck. Each one is hot and openmouthed, and Minato can't help the breathy groan that leaves him when she openly sucks on his pulse.

Clutching her tighter, Minato tugs her back up to him, claiming her mouth again with his. Their lips press together desperately, hard and punishing and everything wild and fiery that he's come to love about her. It's like drowning in starlight, blinding and all-surrounding, but like rising in sunshine - heated and loving and all-consuming. It's addicting. Minato brings his hand up to bury in her red locks, urging her further into him. He lets out a startled gasp when she bites his lip, pulling on it until it feels swollen and red.

Kushina laughs devilishly against his lips, her hot breath fanning his, and then she's tugging him down again and again. God, he loves her. Loves her so much.

"Kushina," Minato breathes between kisses, panting heavily. His hands slide to her hips. "Kushina," he says again, unable to forget her name - to stop saying it. "Feels so good."

He kisses her, tongue darting out to tease her lips and relishes in the way his name rolls from her lips with no sense of shame, her eyes rolling back as he moves down to press open-mouthed kisses to her porcelain skin. He lets his tongue flick out against her neck, and smiles against her skin when she lets out a shriek.

"Minato!" She gasps. "I'm ticklish, dattebane!"

"I know, darling," He says fondly, gazing down at her through lidded eyes, taking a moment to feel prideful at how her skin is flushed, and her green eyes look more black now. Kushina leans up to press a soft kiss against his mouth - the soft push so different than the demanding ones from before. Then she's taking his hand and leading them to their room, and Minato feels his pulse spike. His whole body might be on fire now, he's not completely sure.

As she pulls him in and kicks the door shut behind her, Minato takes a second to appreciate how beautiful she is. His girlfriend - no. His fiance's. She takes of her jacket, exposing her pale skin to the moonlight shining through their bedroom window. She looks so ethereal - like an angel with how her skin seems to glow and her hair shines like white fire. And he doesn't see it, but he supposed he can't be blamed when all his attention is on the gorgeous creature standing before him. Quicker than a flash, she pushes him down onto the bed, and his heart skips a few beats. Kushina hauls herself over him, taking a moment to grin wildly at him before pouncing like an utter demon, attacking his lips with fervor until he's gasping for air.

Just as he's about to find the zip on her dress though, his hands are pinned down and her knee is at his neck.

"I don't think so, love," Kushina drawls, leaning down incredibly close to him. Minato is too shocked to even respond. "You see, I told you I had a bone to pick with you?"

His eyebrows scrunch up in confusion - because really, he doesn't recall any of this. "Kushina?..." He trails off.

She presses a kiss against his nose. "About how you knocked out my little Naru-hime?"

Minato gulps because yes, he does remember that. "Is this really the right time?" He tries.

Kushina hums and nods. "It is. And, even though Naruto is fine, I still feel like your actions are worthy of punishment."

"Punishment?" Minato repeats in a glazed down, his blue eyes getting a faraway look in them.

Kushina smirks before lightly nipping the underside of his jaw. "Yes. Punishment." Then, she's hopping off of him, and ducking down under the covers, pulling the sheets up all the way over her shoulders. Minato can only stare at her figure in shock.

What the hell?

"Uh, Kushina, darling?"

"Yes, love?"

"I- uh, I don't understand."

She giggles beneath the covers. "This is your punishment, of course."

He's dumbfounded. "But-!"

"No buts! You're going to have to deal with it, Minato!" She scolds, and Minato lets out a groan (not the good kind), before turning the other way. Life is so unfair sometimes. And Kushina... well she's a vixen and she knows it.

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