Chp. 12 The First Fallout {Part - 2}

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Naruto, Shisui, and Itachi had taken to the training grounds after Minato and Kakashi's departure, all of them needing to let off a little steam at the insinuations that came with Naruto's house being broken into.

They hadn't said much then, just a few comforting words from Itachi and more protective ones from Shisui. Unfortunately, Itachi was still forced to attend the Academy and Shisui was about to be sent out for a mission that would take him out of the village, so it would likely be some time before she saw either boy.

They had waved her a worried goodbye, and Naruto had set path for her house, ready to meet her father and former sensei there. The window to her apartment had been pushed in and she flung herself inside, only to find the two already there.

However, her heart constricted at the sight of her personal objects. Her ramen (precious, precious ramen) lay scattered on the floor, and the place where she slept had been turned inside out. All of her hard work that she had put into her sealing scrolls had been damaged completely, and even some of her clothes had been torn.

A warm presence came up behind her and placed a large hand on her shoulder. "It'll get better. We have you, Naruto," Her father said softly, understanding that she wasn't okay and that there was no point in asking if she was. A smaller hand was on her other shoulder then, and it quivered.

"The team has your back," Kakashi said. "And we'll find whoever did this. We promise."

Naruto's eyes burnt but she didn't let her tears fall. There was no point in crying, anyways. What was done was done. Suddenly feeling overwhelmed, she shrugged off their hands even if she appreciated the sentiment. She had made sure that anything that would've been of value had been stored inside one of her seals, so there was nothing they could've taken that wasn't replaceable.

"They didn't take anything," She said lowly, her sharp eyes running over her stock. "All of my valuables are in storage seals on my body and everything here is of little usage. Even my seals, they wouldn't be able to use them. Only I can."

"Are you sure?" Minato asked. "You didn't really take a -"

"I'm sure." She faced him then, her face set in stone. "I know you won't let me stay here alone. What of my living arrangements?" Kakashi didn't know it was possible for Naruto of all people to take such a 180 turn in her emotions, but, then again, it was the Shinobi way.

The blonde jonin studied her. "Well, your offer with Kushina and I still stands if you would like that. Kakashi has also offered to stand in, and he has a lot of room to house guests at the Hatake clan house." He hesitated then, not meeting Kakashi's eye. "I spoke to Sandaime-sama briefly before you came. We told him of your friendship with Uchiha boys and-" He ignored Kakashi's sound of protest, "-you have a choice to go and stay with them, as Mikoto and Fugaku are very reputable and will be able to protect you in case of anything. Shisui's father would also be a potential option, although I suspect Mikoto and Fugaku would be a better choice as you've already met them."

Naruto's eyes narrowed into snake-slits. "They're just letting me stay with the Uchihas?" That was suspicious. The Council didn't trust them, Kyuubi attack or no, and allowing the wildcard - maybe Uzumaki to just up and live in the compound was rather freeing in a way that the Council wasn't known for. There had to be an ulterior motive there, Naruto decided.

Minato flinched like he too, thought it was abnormal, but he didn't say anything. "It's about whatever makes you comfortable and safe, Naruto. It can be any one of us."

"Hmm." Decisions, decisions.

Kakashi put his own two cents in. "Absolutely not!" He thundered. "You have to stay with Sensei or me!" Naruto and Minato both turned to look at the boy in shock.

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