Chp 35.Fire in the Suna Sky pt. 2

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Tsunade's idea of a girls night out was strangely average, and Rin wondered if she should be on guard for some greater purpose as she, Naruto, and Tsunade stood outside a dimly lit bar. Tsunade had ordered for them to dress up without actually doing so herself - her words had been dress like you're getting some tonight!

Rin had not known what to say to that, but Naruto had cackled like the witch she was, her bright blue eyes gleaming with mirth.

"I know exactly what you need to wear," Naruto reassured her as they stumbled into a dress shop, pushing her to racks of short dresses that had way too much sequins and straps.

How odd, Rin couldn't help but think that Naruto, who couldn't do her hair to save her life, was an expert in club attire. And she really was.

As far as hidden talents went, Naruto was especially gifted in making sure Rin looked... perfect.

Which was what led them to standing outside of the packed bar. Rin was standing stiffly in black heels and a short blue dress, the purple stripes on her face tinged with makeup and a shiny gloss on her lips. Her legs bore the brunt of the chilly night, and she willed goosebumps not to travel up her arms as the line moved at a snail's pace. Naruto was on her left, and she had somehow managed to retain her signature black and orange scheme in her outfit. For the most part, her dress was black, with hints of orange at the bottom, underneath the ruffles. Rin had noticed quite a few people, men and women alike, staring after her blonde friend in interest, speculative looks of inquiry painted on their expressions as they stared entranced by her whiskered cheeks and button nose. She wondered if Naruto had noticed.

And then she doubted it, because Naruto was super dense when it came to matters of the heart; that being that she couldn't tell that both Kakashi and Shisui were head over heels for her.

Rin glanced skywards, trying to commit the bar to memory. Steam piped out of the chimney at the top, and even though the weather was cold, the bar seemed to emanate a warmth about it - patrons could be heard laughing from inside ranging from the booming bass of an older man to the high tinkles of laughter from a girl her own age. Glasses clinked, and the sound of liquor being poured echoed. The window panes were a bit frosty, but light glowed through the distorted glass.

"I don't think I need to tell you what to do," Tsunade said as they moved up the line. "You're both smart." She turned and looked at Naruto and smirked. "Well, one of you is."

"Hey!" Naruto protested. "You're so rude, dattebayo."

"Just, make sure that if anyone asks, you're with me. Naruto, you're not technically of age to be here, but I trust you won't do anything to give your position away. Don't accept drinks from strangers. If they drug you, I could heal you, but I won't want to, especially if I'm at the gambling tables."

"There was totally an ulterior motive for bringing us here, wasn't there?" Naruto accused, her blonde hair swinging violently as she moved. Rin chuckled.

"That, or she needs her fix of sake after the inn told her they ran out of bottles," Rin agreed.

Tsunade smiled with absolutely no shame. "It's actually both of those reasons."

Naruto snorted. "If I see a handsome onlooker, I'll send him your way. When was the last time you got laid, anyways, Granny? Or - wait! Will no one come near you because you're too old?"

Tsunade's fingers flexed experimentally, her knuckles whitening and Rin prayed that their night wouldn't get cut before it even really started.

"You're so lucky I want to get drunk," Tsunade threatened, killing intent radiating from her short stature. "If you try to set me up tonight, I'll break a few of his bones, and then I'll break a few more of yours. And no, Rin will not be allowed to heal you," She said when she saw Naruto open her mouth.

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