Ch.8 Interwoven {Part-1}

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Naruto had suggested that they eat while they talked, which Shisui had readily agreed with. Itachi had started preparing tea on his own having already showered and dressed, content to let them have their own conversation. Naruto filled up a ramen cup with boiled water while Shisui toweled off his unusually curly hair, wet from the shower. Their clothes were in the wash, and Naruto was donning an Uchiha wide turtle neck that she had seen Sasuke wear many times, as well as a pair of borrowed shorts. It was odd to have the Uchiha fan on her back.

"So what's all this talk about corruption and clan politics?" Shisui asked her.

"I want you to be an ambassador of sorts," Naruto said as she whirled and sank into the beige futon besides the boy. She wasn't going to beat around the bush. "The Uchiha have been facing civil unrest within Konoha and we both know that the civilians are getting anxious."

"The Uchiha are Konoha's longest standing police force. They have no reason to distrust us." He seemed to be testing her because all three of them clearly knew that wasn't true.

Naruto slurped her noodles messily, and gave Itachi a small nod when he placed a steaming cup in front of her and Shisui."Doesn't matter. There are certain Council members that are... corrupt. They wouldn't want the Uchiha intervening with their power plays. Your clan's dojutsu alone is enough to stir up controversy, and the Council isn't afraid to use that fear to their advantage, even if you've done nothing wrong," She was clearly indicating Danzo, and Shisui seemed to know that if the way his eyebrows furrowed were any indication.

"Okay," He said carefully, setting his towel over the back of the futon. "Say that there was a politically unstable figure, like you think. What if that person had their own set of Anbu? What then?"

Naruto smiled. It was good that Shisui had already sussed out Root. It was one less thing to have to explain. "The Sandaime is throwing a blind eye to what's happening because of the bonds he's formed. If we're going to resolve the conflict before they make a move, we need to be smart about it. I can technically.. handle... the in- Council corruption by myself. It might be a little suspicious though, considering we had a pretty hostile first encounter."

Shisui raised his eyebrow, his eyes narrowed. "When you say handle it..?" He trailed off, clearly looked for an explanation.

"It means I'll handle it." She said simply. Plausible deniability could go a long way. She hadn't actually admitted to any heinous crimes, and towards who, anyways. If she was careful, no one would be able to trace Danzo's unfortunate... accident back to her. "While I work on that front, I'll need you to keep the peace within the clan."

"And why me?" He was curious. "You're on a team with another one of my clan members - Obito Uchiha. You know Itachi. Why me?"

Naru shook her head. "Obito is not as influential inside the clan as you are, because he's not part of the main branch. You have direct ties to the main family, and you and Itachi-kun are close, and he's a good ally to have as you both grow older. As of right now, Itachi is too young. He's intelligent and powerful, that's true, but he is still too young. He shouldn't have to make hard decisions at his age. You and I are... well we're not too much older but life isn't fair," She gave him a bitter smile.

Shinobi were trained from a young age. War had been the upbringing of many. When she thought about people like Kakashi and Yamato who had gotten field promotions before they had even hit puberty, it made her upset.

"It isn't," Shisui said wisely. "But sacrifice for the greater good is worth it, don't you think?" His eyes seemed to be searching hers for something. Naru met his stare head on, willing to prove she was trustworthy. His pupils ran back and forth over hers. After a few moments, he relaxed and plowed foward without waiting for her answer. "When the time comes though, I want to bring Itachi into the fold. He's trustworthy," He assured her, glancing at his younger cousin who was working in the kitchen.

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