Chp 33.Reflections in the Rain pt. 3

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Notes: HELLOO! So, I know this chapter is like. Well I wasn't even planning on having it ready by today but it is so I thought I should
post it since I only got in one chapter in the past month when it should be 2. Anyways, after this, I will go back to posting biweekly.

I actually wrote this chapter in one sitting and it all came so smoothly, I was so happy. But yeah. Honestly guys, I've been reading the comments you leave me and THEY MAKE ME SO HAPPY LIKE YOUR ENTHUSIASM AND GENERAL LOVE OVER MY STORY MAKES ME SMILE SO MUCH OK.

Just recently, I read a comment (I haven't replied to it yet) but the person who left the comment WAS SO NICE I WAS LITERALLY IN SUCH A GOOD MOOD THE WHOLE DAY.


Sorry, I am a bit excited. But yeah. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I've also come to the realization that it may seem like Shisui and Naruto don't have as strong a bond as Shisui and Kakashi or Naruto and Kakashi. But trust me, that all comes later.

The next installation in this fic will begin Naruto and Rin's fourth year on their travel trip, and it's going to be unusually Rin and Obito centric, so brace yourselves.

Finally, I know a lot of people are going to be like, but Shisui and Naruto didn't actually make up. And that's so true. I didn't want them to make up yet. They're obviously in each other's presences as shown as that scene with the trio sitting in the mouth of the cave, but issues like that don't get resolved overnight. And since this is my fic and I say that Kakashi and Shisui can't be out of the village for more than a week because they're Anbu, then that's just how it is. And that's where him and Naruto will pick up off on when she returns to the village, barring any letters they send that I might include.

I'm sorry if some of you don't like that, but it's realistic. Not everything ends on good terms so, you'll just have to wait and see.

With that being said, stay safe and happy reading!! :)


Namikaze - Uzumaki Kushina didn't think she'd ever gotten sick in her life, ever. She never went to the hospital for her annual checkups, much to Minato's ever present grief, and she'd never received a vaccination shot. She intended to keep it that way.

She supposed one of the benefits of having the Kyuubi no Kitsune sealed inside of her as she did was the lack of ability to get sick, or have an injury for too long. Minato said that made her spoiled, but she knew he didn't truly mean it considering when she did get hurt, he was a total mother hen.

So on that fateful Thursday morning when she barely managed to spring out of bed and into the bathroom to wretch seemingly the entire contents of her stomach into the trash, a brief stint of panic ran through her. And really, who could blame her?

Kushina had never had an injury that lasted more than forty-eight hours, and never had her temperature reach to the low-grade fever point. While Jinchuuriki ran hotter than the average person, she'd never worried it was because she was sick. Besides the fact that she had the nine tails demon inside of her, she was also an Uzumaki. Uzumaki were renowned across the Hidden Villages as a clan with incredible longevity and the bloodline that allowed them to heal at a rapid rate. Paired with being a jinchuuriki, Kushina was practically invincible. Which was why after she had thrown up, she hauled herself up to the mirror above the sink and stared at her reflection in sheer trepidation. Her skin was sheened over with sweat, pale and clammy, and she looked... bloated.

Now, Kushina had gotten the lecture quite a few times from Minato and Rin concerning her unhealthy intake of ramen, but she was a ninja. She exercised more in a day than the average civilian did in a week. She didn't get bloated. End of story.

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