Chp.9 Cold Nights And Warm Days {part-3}

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Minato had told them to explore the inn in their free time - but Naruto didn't really see the point in it when there was barely any ground to cover. The inn was small - but it gave off warm vibes, like you could sit down in the lobby and strike up a conversation with a passing stranger, and end up leaving with a friend you hadn't started with. The ground floor was composed of the entrance lobby that connected to a small hut-like pub, where the top was covered in straw, but the seats and t-bar were made of wood.

Behind it was stores upon stores of sake, and Naruto vaguely wondered what would happen if she tried drinking. Kurama's constant and strict presence in her own body had made getting drunk damn impossible - not that she'd really gotten the chance to try with the war being so prevalent at the time. Tsunade would've loved it, and she pondered if the Sannin was traveling nearby, and if she had heard of the ongoing peace attempts.

Had it been anything else, Naruto would've snuck behind the bar and grabbed one of the finer bottles on the top shelves, the liquor entombed in smooth porcelain and fine china. Then she would've proceeded to jump into the nearest tree and drunk herself into a stupor just to see if she could.

But somehow, she figured it wouldn't go over well with any of her teammates.

Naruto sighed. Having to grow up all over again was such a pain in the fucking ass. Was she really going to have to go through puberty all over again?

Sighing again, she turned, and caught a flash of the bob of her brunette teammate, Kakashi walking besides her and they made their way around the bar.

A light hand tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned to see a grinning Miriam. "I know I didn't really tell you all about the inn. There's a bar, but I suspect you're too young to drink." When Naruto nodded, she continued. "There is a hot spring to your right though. There's a changing room further up the corridor," she pointed a painted fingernail to the sign that was hung over the doorway, "and of course, we have towels. Just in case," she patted Naruto's cheek before taking her leave again.

"Thank you!" she called after Miriam.

And really, who was she to deny such a great offer? Her ribs could use a soak in warm water.

So she ducked into the changing rooms. For a moment, she wondered if she should tell Kakashi and Rin about it. But then she decided not to.

Well, she would tell them later when she got out. She didn't mind their company but she felt the need to be alone in her thoughts. Relaxing in the hot springs would do her some good.

Wrapping a towel over her small form, she tip-toed into the women's baths. It was most empty, save for a small group of middle aged women. They sat in a small square, and Naruto could tell they were gossiping - it was in the way they giggled wildly, and they leaned in to whisper in each other's name.

Naruto dropped her towel before sinking into the warm waters, the steam bouncing off the liquid damping her face. She let out a low groan as she let herself drop down, the water encompassing her into it like a loving embrace.

She closed her eyes and pulled the ties out of her hair, letting it drop down low, wetting her tresses until they looked more brown than their usual golden shade. Tilting her head back, she rested upon the small ledge behind her. Her ribs welcomed the heat of the water, and it felt like all the soreness was washing away.

There was so much to think about.

Clearly what was going to happen tomorrow wasn't going to pan out in the way Konoha had hoped, if the years leading up to the Fourth War were any indication. Unless this meeting hadn't even happened in her own timeline and she was just changing things so drastically.

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