Chp. 17 Operation Fucking Hyuugas {Part-2}

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Obito stands by the hospital door, waiting patiently for Rin who's just about to be finished with her shift with the medic ninjas. He can see her through the glass window, and she's wrapping tape around a broad man's back, a serious look on her face as she speaks to him about whatever his condition may be.

Normally, he'd take the opportunity to take her in when she was unaware, but something just wasn't sitting right with him. He didn't know what it was but maybe Rin would.

" 'Cuse me, ya can't wait here, young man," a scratchy voice said from behind him, and Obito whirled around to see a middle aged women with auburn hair staring down at him like he was the gum under her shoe. She looked especially intimidating and the way that scalpel was tucked into her waistline did not help that image.

He gulped nervously and took a step back, "S-sorry. I'm waiting for my friend." He points a sole finger at Rin - and she's still in the middle of wrapping that guy's back, god damn it - on the other side of the glass.

Tall-and-scary peers to where Obito is pointing before another murderous glare flashes over her face, and Obito can't help but wonder what he said wrong this time.

"Are ya harassing that little lady in there, huh? Because if ya are, I betcha I can teach ya a lil something 'bout boundaries!" Her fist curls up.

Obito squeaks a little and wishes that Naruto were here for him to hide behind - and oh, that's whats been bothering him. Naruto. Ah, he does see the importance of Tall-and-scary's teachings but he would never do that himself.

"What?" He asks. "I'm not harassing her! I'm not!" He protests at her skeptical face. "She's my teammate and Rin-chan knows me and - HMPHHH!" she covers his mouth, and Obito genuinely prays to the Ramen god that Naruto cherishes, and promises that if he does make it out of there alive, he'll buy some ramen to celebrate.

"So ya know Rin-chan's name dontcha?"

At this point, Obito's sure he's done nothing wrong and this lady is just getting on his case.

"Yeah, we, her and me and Kaka-teme and Naru-chan are all on team seven. I'm not stalking her or anything! And - I don't -"

"Miyoko-san, it's alright," comes a sweet voice from behind them, and Obito thanks his lucky stars that Rin is done.

"Miyoko" holds Obito by the scruff of his shirt and rotates them until they're facing Rin. "You know this scrub, Rin-chan?"

Scrub? Obito levels a glare at her. He's no scrub, and frankly, it offends him that she'd thought the worst when she met him because -

"Don't worry. Obito-kun is my best friend, he would never do anything to hurt me!" Obito's cheeks blush bright pink and he stares at something akin to adoration at Rin. How can someone be so perfect? He doesn't even know.

She's beautiful and intelligent and so kind, and Rin is just the best person ever, his best friend, and she's so strong-

And then his heart slows down just a bit, because they're just friends. And Rin would never see him as anything else because she was always making heart eyes at that Bakakashi.

"I see," Miyoko says, her stare not so intense now that Rin has deemed him safe. "Well, in any case, if he does anything just let me know!" She turns to Obito. "I'll kick yer ass!"

Obito splutters because, really, this sort of treatment is just unfair. Miyoko walks back into the room that Rin just left, her head held eye, and Obito shivers (not in fear - just in caution). Obito waits until she's turned the corner on the other side of the door before he whispers, "She's like, not serious is she?"

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