Chp. 29. Reflections in the Rain. {Part-1}

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This chapter is having different parts. But it will not be one afterr the other there will be 2 more chapters in the between. That's it!
Happy reading!
"I thought you said we were going to wait for your friends to arrive before you left," Jiraiya said, with a frown on his face as he lifted his chopsticks to his mouth, scraping the rice from his bowl.

Rin placed her hands on her cocked hips, her ponytail swinging behind her. "Aren't you going to be here to greet Kakashi-kun and Shisui-kun?"

"I have important things to do," Naruto insisted as she shoveled a few food pills into her weapons pouch, and sheathed a sharpened kunai. "They'll understand."

"Oh come on!" Jiraiya complained. "Your boyfriends are showing up all the way from Konoha to see you and you're not going to be here? Are you out of your mind?"

"Boyfriends!" Rin shouts at the same time that Naruto shouts, "Shut up!"

There's a silence between the three before glee lights Jiraiya's eyes. "Oh ho!" He hollers. "You didn't tell Rin-chan you had two boyfriends?"

Rin's scandalized shriek bounces off of the damp walls that they've been taking cover in since the random downpour of rain that stormed over the fewer drizzles, and Naruto groans into her arms.

"Since WHEN?" Rin demands, her eyes blazing. "I can't believe you!"

"Rin-chan, Rin-chan," Naruto murmurs, her hands held to her head. "Please."

"Naruto-chan," Rin says just as seriously. And so fast that she can't even dodge, Rin yanks her down by her hand until they're sitting across from each other. "Tell me everything right now! And don't leave out a single detail. When'd you have time to bag not one, but two boys when you were world traveling for the past three years?"

"Oh my god," she can't help but say. "Oh my god." Jiraiya snorts, and Naruto can't even bring herself to glare at him when the whole prospect of having this conversation drains her right down to her bones. "I'd really like to stay and chat but I have to leave before they come. I'll be back later."

Both made noises of disagreement, and Naruto sighed. In truth, she was very much both dreading and anticipating Shisui and Kakashi's impending arrival. She had missed them terribly, and while she loved Rin, Jiraiya, and Tsunade, she also wished she had her three other boys with her, as well as her parents.

And so, when she had sent out her letter requesting their presence in Amegakure, and they had responded with a confirmation, she hadn't known how to feel. She was, of course, excited and simply exhilarated to see them. Before anything serious happened, she had vowed to crush them both into rib-breaking hugs, and take a good look at how they'd grown. That, she was excited for.

On the flip side of things, there was that whole unaddressed elephant concerning fucking Zetsu who had turned up and wrecked her whole web of carefully crafted lies. She was probably going to have to come clean about everything, just like she had with her father. That of course, left their reactions and really, it could swing either way.

How would Kakashi react in knowing that she'd known about Obito's impending doom and hadn't said anything - instead letting his best friend get trapped under a rock and letting his team think he'd been dead. How would he feel knowing she'd led the mission to Kiri knowing that Rin had died in a previous life, Kakashi being the one to land the killing blow?

How would Shisui feel if he knew she was aware of a massacre led by the village elders and hadn't directly told him?

It made her heart hurt to think either one of them could be mad at her; could hate her even. But it wasn't such a far stretch with the secrets she had been keeping from them.

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