Chp 37. Fire in the Suna Sky pt. 4

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Kakashi doesn't know what his Sensei told his wife to make her not be here, but there's cold sweat trickling down his back as he sits side by side with his Anbu partner, friend, and something more, waiting patiently for their interrogation. Shisui's an Uchiha so even if he is quirkier and brighter than the rest of them, he's still able to save face by being perfectly stoic. Kakashi thinks about that in great detail while also remembering how not even ten minutes ago, said Uchiha had been shaking in his sheets at the sight of Konoha's Yellow Flash looming over them, his crystalline blue eyes dark and dangerous in a way that only promised pain and torture for them.

Which, granted, is a scary sight. But this is also Namikaze Minato, and he's pretty much one of the nicest people Kakashi knows.

Kakashi tries not to think about how he's watched his Sensei slit the necks of hundreds of ninja.

Hikari-chan is gurgling cheerfully in her father's lap, wet blue eyes staring at Kakashi full of admiration and affection. Any other time, it would have been a welcome sight. He absolutely dotes over Hikari no matter how much he tells Obito and Shisui he doesn't. Jonin based income is very steady considering the rankings of missions they get called in for, and that's not even counting the pay he makes from working in the Anbu. And while he does rake in a very generous amount, he can safely say that half of this year's pay has already been redirected into toys and baby-related things for Hikari. In fact, the shuriken-patterned onesie Hikari has donned today is from him, and Kakashi gives her one of his patented eye smiles.

Minato swooshes his Hokage cloak over his shoulder and settles Hikari on the table, his hands acting as her brace as she plays in the middle of them. It's reassuring to know that Minato won't smite them over the table, considering his daughter may get caught in the crossfire

"So," Minato starts, glaring daggers into both him and Shisui. "Let's talk about why we're here today."

"Kakashi was being an idiot!" Shisui pipes up immediately. Kakashi can admit that perhaps he got a bit distracted, but that doesn't mean he deserves to be thrown underneath the bus. Hikari coos, and Kakashi feels betrayed, somewhat. "Even Hikari agrees," He says.

"I'll agree that Kakashi was not his best today," Minato nods, gesturing for them to continue. "What else did you do wrong?"

"Personally," Shisui says, "I don't think any other mistake was made. Today was rather successful. Wouldn't you agree, Kakashi-kun?"

Kakashi tries not to blush, and fails miserably. Instead, he tries to glare, because damn, Shisui can throw salt in the wound.

Hikari stops and stares at them, her blue eyes judgmental.

"See?" Kakashi mutters, offering his gloved fingers to Hikari, watching as she happily latches on, her tiny hand struggling to close around his thumb. "Even Hikari-hime knows you're being stupid."

"Are you out of your mind?" Shisui asks, prompting Kakashi to look over at him.

Not for the first time in the past hour, he's struck dumb with how attractive the other boy is. At first, he had blamed it on the moon shining so charmingly on his porcelain skin, but that wasn't it. Under Minato's dim kitchen lights, Kakashi could only see the allure of Shisui's springing curls and long eyelashes, narrow nose, and long neck. Not to mention, Shisui's stupidly attractive earring is also jangling stupidly attractively, catching Kakashi's attention every so often as it glints in the light. Oh Kami. He's turned into Obito.

He tries not to groan.

"What do you mean?" He asks in return, tearing his gaze away from the other boy, ignoring the small clink of metal as Shisui turns to see him, earring no doubt swaying lightly.

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