Ch.7 Three Vampires

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Obito was starting physical therapy soon, but Rin had informed the Team that he was supposed to be released within the month, which was better Naruto supposed. Learning the team dynamics for future missions would play an important part in successfully completing their goals and moving together as a unit, so Naruto planned to get herself familiar with all of her team member's fighting styles, specialities, and weaknesses.

But regardless of the Uchiha boy's lack of presence, Minato had his three other students training day by day.

It was almost surreal for Naruto to even say that. Intergrating herself on a personal level with her team hadn't been a part of her original plan but the more she got to know them, the more attached she became. And it went without saying that she longed to know her parents more, who they could've been if they hadn't died. If everything went according to plan, then Naruto wasn't even sure that the child her parents would conceive would even be her. If that even made sense. Time travel was confusing.

Naruto sat by the base of the large tree overshadowing Training Ground 8, watching Rin and Kakashi spar. Kakashi in his youth had a different fighting style from when he was an adult. Of course, his fighting style as an adult was hardened and evolved from years of practice and battle. If there was any word for it, his style now was reckless. He relied more on his affinity rather than the jutsus he had copied, and no matter what he did, his body crackled with the electricity sparking from his lightning. His Sharingan eye was out and spinning, furiously taking in everything he was seeing in their spar. His taijutsu was already well developed for his age, and his kicks were powerful as he lashed out with a series of jumps and whirls through the air.

The Kakashi that Naruto knew had already had his own strategies and moves. Watching - actually watching him learn what worked best for him and his chakra affinity was enlightening, especially when she already knew what the end result would be.

One of Konoha's finest Shinobi.

Maybe if Kakashi was nice, she'd drop in a few pointers that she'd caught from him when he was teaching her. Of course, Kakashi was stubborn enough that he actually might not heed her advice, but the chances were that he wanted to improve, and would try out various moves to reach his goal.

She couldn't help but smile when he formed a clone. One of the reasons she hadn't resorted to using shadow clones like she usually did was that the Kage Bunshin was a technique strictly developed under Konoha. Naruto knowing that jutsu would only raise suspicion, so she'd had to alternate with wind clones, and although it could be taxing for her to create clones so meticulously, it helped with her chakra control.

Naruto turned her attention to Rin. Naruto could see Sakura in Rin, a bit. Of course, Rin was a bit more level headed and nicer (not that she'd ever tell Sakura that - she wasn't looking for a clock to the head) but the way she had already decided on becoming a medic reminded her of the sureity she had seen her cherry-blossom haired teammate when she had started training under Tsunade.

It was hard to tell what Rin's chakra affinity was, although if she knew that if she activated Sage Mode, she'd be able to tell without a doubt. Rin used a mixture of water and fire jutsus, and was also heavily reliant on senbon, kunai, and shuriken. She was also a lot more reserved with her chakra stores, which made sense if she was a medic. Medics had to save their own chakra for actually healing, which was one of the first things that Tsunade had taught Sakura.

If Rin was the medic and Kakashi was a heavy hitter, she wondered where that left Obito. She herself was a heavy hitter, though she could apparently heal a little if she channeled Kyuubi chakra.

Sighing as Kakashi pushed Rin down and held a kunai to her neck, Naruto turned back to her scrolls. Minato had shown her the Flying Thunder God kunai, and Naruto wondered if she could make her own version of it. Instead of sealing it into a weapon though, she wondered if she could make it more portable, like on one's skin. She wasn't sure if her team would be up to placing such a seal on themselves, but Naruto would be willing to do it to herself. Of course there would be trial and errors before it actually worked out and presented it to the team. Maybe Kushina could help her work the kinks out, as she had taught Minato a good portion of his fuinjutsu.

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